- Aqueon 40 Gallon Breeder
- Herbie overflow
- TruVu Platinum 75 Refugium Sump
- DIY Stand
- 42lbs Dry Marco Rock
- 30lbs Size 3 Dry Sand
- DIY BRS Screentop
- Neptune Apex Controller with lab grade pH probe
- IO Breakout box
- 4 switches in the sump return chamber
- 1 switch in the ATO reservoir
- IO Breakout box
- 2 x AI Hydra 26 LED Lights
- Powerheads
- 2 x Jebao RW-4
- Bubble Magnus NAC 3.5 Skimmer
- Rio Plus 1700 Aqua Return Pump
- BRS 4 Stage Plus 75gpd RO/DI
- JBJ Auto Topoff
- TOM Aqua Lifter Pump
- 6gal Container
- DIY Algae Scrubber
- 54w Hydroponics LED (14 red + 4 blue)
- Gravity fed
- Phosban Reactor 150
- 180gph Pump
- BRS High Capacity GFO
- Heaters
- Eheim Jager 150w
- Titanium heater 50w (backup)
- Jebao DP-8 Doser
- Eheim Autofeeder
- 6gal ATO Reservoir
----- Start Log (May 12, 2014) -----
This time I decided to get a used setup. I found a hobbyist selling his year old 40B for real cheap and I decided to pick it up.
I had to drive all the way from Santa Clara to Antioch to pick it up…
Here’s what I got:
- Aqueon 40B + custom overflow (drilled)
- DIY stand
- Truvu Platinum Series Refugium 75
- Rio Plus 1700 Aqua Pump (return)
- Hydor Koralia Evolution 550/600

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