got ethical husbandry?

CaptainB's 110g (Marcus)

Pest control


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It'll fit but not perfect. The pipes will drop 1/2" ish when I remove the furniture sliders under the stand I'm using so I can move it around.

The small one is return and the left is main drain with the right 2 trickle and emergency drain.
So how should I connect the new system to my existing in terms of equilibrating them? Stuff in my frag tank is doing decent I don't want to bomb it.

I will be filling the new tank with dead rock and sand. I was thinking to run it with water/rock/sand like 3/4 full with a small clip on skimmer for awhile, changing water between the two. Then after a month(ish) connect them. But maybe the skimmer is useless (I have it but yeah seems so). Or maybe just dump a ton of pods into the big tank with some seasoned rock from the other system? Idk

The volume difference is big. The new tank is 110g while my current that I'll be tying it into is about 50g
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Consider the addition as a water change and an increase in overall water volume
Just hook it all up
Let it ride!
Assuming that your new water is ideal: temp, salinity, pH
So how should I connect the new system to my existing in terms of equilibrating them? Stuff in my frag tank is doing decent I don't want to bomb it.

I will be filling the new tank with dead rock and sand. I was thinking to run it with water/rock/sand like 3/4 full with a small clip on skimmer for awhile, changing water between the two. Then after a month(ish) connect them. But maybe the skimmer is useless (I have it but yeah seems so). Or maybe just dump a ton of pods into the big tank with some seasoned rock from the other system? Idk

The volume difference is big. The new tank is 110g while my current that I'll be tying it into is about 50g

Is that dead rock “clean” or is it from an old system/ocean with dead organics on it? And how much rock? If it has a ton of organics on it, you’ll want to cure it first.
It's clean. Some is from an old setup and some is mined rock that was never used but I put it all in a bleach bath for a week then soaked in freshwater with prime.
It's clean. Some is from an old setup and some is mined rock that was never used but I put it all in a bleach bath for a week then soaked in freshwater with prime.

You’ll have to make the call. While bleach will oxidize a good amount of organic material, some will survive in the rock pores. It will depend on how much rock you are using. If you want to be safe, you can just put the rock in some saltwater with a pump for a few days and see if ammonia spikes.
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You’ll have to make the call. While bleach will oxidize a good amount of organic material, some will survive in the rock pores. It will depend on how much rock you are using. If you want to be safe, you can just put the rock in some saltwater with a pump for a few days and see if ammonia spikes.
Yeah I'm thinking to monitor conditions in the new tank for maybe a week or two before I connect it to the existing system. I'd just leave it 90% full or whatever so it doesn't overflow to the sump. Throw some established rock in there to get stuff colonizing the dead rock and dry sand.

During this time I'll do daily (or as often as I can) water changes into my existing. I'll put the removed water into the new setup to get the water conditions as similar as possible.
Got rock in. Going for 2 towers with space around for fish (and hands).

Sand next. Petco is probably rethinking offering free shipping on all orders over $50.
Most of the water in and testing the pumps/lights. Not ready to overflow to the other system yet but not sure I can wait a few weeks either.

I stuck one rock from my sump and one from the bin at Calikid to seed it.
