
FREE '24 SPS Growout Contest

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First check in, starting to color 1.25”
For those in the South Bay---I plan to be in Oakland for a meeting next Wednesday and can swing by High Tide afterwards. Let me know if you want me to pick up a frag for the contest. I am in Saratoga and Palo Alto during the week.

I will hold any frags in a temporary 10 gallon quarantine tank with heating and flow.
What? Seriously? Did you accidentally put into freshwater tank?
Mine looks pretty rough too, TBH. Just kind of a sickly little frag from day 1!

So there is supposed to be a bunch of these frags still available. Is there any way you can get replacements via High Tide or at the frag swap? I don't want to see anyone have to already be out because of an unhealthy frag.

This is one of the reasons why I was hoping to not start the distribution of frags for at least a couple weeks. To give them a chance to recover at Kenny's and then distribute only the ones that were healthy and ready. Oh well...let's try and get new ones into your tanks. Let me know how I can help.
So there is supposed to be a bunch of these frags still available. Is there any way you can get replacements via High Tide or at the frag swap? I don't want to see anyone have to already be out because of an unhealthy frag.

This is one of the reasons why I was hoping to not start the distribution of frags for at least a couple weeks. To give them a chance to recover at Kenny's and then distribute only the ones that were healthy and ready. Oh well...let's try and get new ones into your tanks. Let me know how I can help.
I'm ok for restarts for bad frags. We did have a few with new people making them.
So there is supposed to be a bunch of these frags still available. Is there any way you can get replacements via High Tide or at the frag swap? I don't want to see anyone have to already be out because of an unhealthy frag.

This is one of the reasons why I was hoping to not start the distribution of frags for at least a couple weeks. To give them a chance to recover at Kenny's and then distribute only the ones that were healthy and ready. Oh well...let's try and get new ones into your tanks. Let me know how I can help.

I will be by there later to get water so I can grab another one. Question-does it have to be mounted within 48 hrs? I can take a pic for sure but I don’t think I will mount any frags until after the swap next week.
I will be by there later to get water so I can grab another one. Question-does it have to be mounted within 48 hrs? I can take a pic for sure but I don’t think I will mount any frags until after the swap next week.

The rules don't state anything about having to be mounted within 48hrs. It's only the initial photo with a measurement that I was trying to get in. I know it's not a huge deal, nobody is going to have any visual growth in a couple weeks. It's more for the visual and measurable starting point to help with the judging.

Also, I removed the stipulation of having to find a spot and not moving it. You can move it around as much as you want throughout the contest. Some thought it was too constricting of a rule, so it got removed.
This is a reminder to everyone that you have 7 days to coordinate the pickup/delivery of your frag!

Anyone else that would like to be a part of this, please feel free to jump in on this. Simply vote yes on the poll and write a message on this thread that you want in.

Also, we need a couple more folks to be a judge please.
I can judge. If you need. I’ll participate but don’t need a prize if I win. Just for fun for me.
Awesome! Thanks!

Yeah, I'm with you on that. I am going to be a judge too, so that part of the contest is handled.
So me and you will round out the judges. Task complete!
I don't in any way mean this as a negative against all the hard work going on at the frag workshop, but I do think the setup is pretty hard for corals. A lot of time in a holding container, which is always going to be hard to keep at temperature and clean water, and with no water moment. A lot of time on a saw. Corals asit around for awhile after all that until someone picks theirs up and bags it, with water of unknown temp. Everyone for good reason socializing and leaving things in their coolers or whatever. After all that someone drives it home, probably without a heating pad. Finally tossed into a new tank, maybe preceded by another dip out of paranoia.

Frag swaps are pretty similar, except hopefully the coral was fragged awhile before. Might sit even longer though at room temperature, and definitely should be getting dipped before added to people's tank.

It's all a great example of the fact that corals are a lot hardier than we all think they are, since most of those things individually people assume would kill the coral. My frags from the event are currently all doing well, I think, for example.

I say all that knowing I don't have a great solution to it. Maybe one thing could be the club could put together a frag event equipment pack. Get a couple heaters, a couple cheap temp controllers to make sure they hold the target temp after getting moved around, some cheap power heads (maybe donations from the group), and a couple shallow troughs/Rubbermaids/containers. With that at least the temp part could be stable. I know Costco has big packs of hand warmers, but not sure how warm those actually get (I used one recently for a coral but I microwaved it quickly). Hopefully with some donations it could get together cheap.

Main problem would be making sure all that stuff gets to the actual events, which requires someone to store and deliver it though.

Again, not a critique, it's a tricky problem. Especially when there's so generous a situation as a giant donor coral set, which is rare.