High Tide Aquatics

Recent content by Mason

  1. Mason

    DBTC: Sunkist Bounce Mushroom

    No splits yet.
  2. Mason

    Zoa eating bug

    It's not a Stomatella. Stomatella have shells. These do not. Here's a dead one after it was isolated for two weeks and finally came out of the 1/2 eaten zoa.
  3. Mason

    Zoa eating bug

    My best attempt at identifying the zoa eater.
  4. Mason

    Armor of god

    A slightly better closeup if anybody can ID the brown spotted critter. Looks like there's another one inside the mouth. It may or may not have survived the dip. It fell off pretty easy when I bumped it ( hopefully my 6 line found it) but there was another one deep inside the mouth that was...
  5. Mason

    Zoa eating bug

    I tried but not near as good as the first post. The bug is shriveled up and dead now. Looks more like a flatworm now.
  6. Mason

    Zoa eating bug

    It's sitting in a cup right now. The bug has crawled out the bottom.
  7. Mason

    Zoa eating bug

    That's what I'm thinking or a slug since he's more sluggy looking.
  8. Mason

    Zoa eating bug

    Can anybody help to identify the brown spotted bug eating this zoa? Not the greatest pick but you can se where all the orange lashes have been devoured. Looks like another one deeper inside also.
  9. Mason

    Armor of god

    A slightly better closeup if anybody can ID the brown spotted critter. Looks like there's another one inside the mouth.
  10. Mason

    Mason's Red Sea Nano Reef

    Added a few critters today. Tank is doing well. New inhabitants: Corus Wrass, Randalls goby, and a fire shrimp.
  11. Mason

    1-part dosing for nano tank? which one do you recommend?

    I do a little kalk and 25% water changes biweekly on my 10G and so far it's been doing great.
  12. Mason

    DBTC: Sunny D Zoa

    Thanks for the Sunny D! Awesome looking zoa.
  13. Mason

    DBTC: Green, long tentacle Toadstool

    Me too. Looks like there are 3 in there now...lol
  14. Mason

    DBTC: Green, long tentacle Toadstool

    Hey BARcode. Can you help me fix this. I meant to just give xCry0x a frag but accidently transferred it to him. It would be nice to be able to edit the journal in the future.
  15. Mason

    Candy apple reds

    I'd love one.