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Recent content by Reefdad

  1. Reefdad


    Something weird is happening. I am having a HUGE amonia increase. Last night it was approching +2.0 I had done a large WC (30 gallons) on Tuesday to reduce it but it went right back up last night. Any thoughts? Is this in correlation with the ICH outbreak? Currently I treated the tank with...
  2. Reefdad


    Looking at the future and trying to prevent this for the third time..... would investing in a UV sterilizer help me? And if I leave the Tang in the tank I assume I will never be rid of the ICH correct? I have to remove it to kill off the Ich or will the UV help prevent it? I understand...
  3. Reefdad


    So it seems the tang will make it, but it looks like HELL!!! his eyes are cloudy and he still has a ton of cysts on him. He spends a lot of time letting my shrimp clean him but he looks horrible still eating fine. All other traits are fine as well. Do I continue to push food of is there...
  4. Reefdad


    Last night I thought the move would be too stressful for it. It looked to be on deaths door las night (much different this morning) Maybe I should consider moving it later today???? if he continues to improve???? Also I only have a 20 gallon tank for QT and with 6 fish and a 4" tang its a...
  5. Reefdad


    The tang isn't in the QT just the other fish. The tang is in the DT. I didn't mention anything about there eyes????? there is nothing wrong with any of the fish's eyes I am confused where you think there might be a secondary infection?
  6. Reefdad


    So seeing spots on my potters I decided to remove all my fish from the tank and put them in QTl. My entire reef is all Jacked up now and I have more frags of SPS than I ever wanted. So now I have a butt load for DBTC I guess. All my fish are in QT with just the potters showing signs. I am...
  7. Reefdad


    Well now it looks like my potters angle is starting to get spots. I bet this thing is going to take out my whole tank!!!
  8. Reefdad


    All the other fish look great!. My LFS offered me to bring it in and they would put it in a copper tank. Should I???
  9. Reefdad


    As far as an update. The tang is still swimming around the tank differently. When the lights are all off it swims around as normal, but when I just turn on some of my lights it sits in one area and doesn't move. Any Ideas on this? I haven't seen it eat tonight so that has me concerned that...
  10. Reefdad


    Thanks for your input but, I completely disagree.
  11. Reefdad


    well I will just keep it dark? couple of hours a day of light and leave it at that?
  12. Reefdad


    Tonight as I am doing a small WC I have noticed that the cysts have more than doubled. The tang is still active but not nearly as active as last night. I have yet too see a dramatic change in feeding it still is feeding. But strangely it seems to be hiding more. So it is hard to tell if it is...
  13. Reefdad


    Yea tell me about It!!!! I can't seem to figure it out. I keep my WQ as good as I can. In the past I have been buying NSW. but starting with this WC tonight it will all be RO/DI mixed with Seachem Reef salt. So hopefully that change will be positive. Secondly I dont think my stocking load is...
  14. Reefdad


    What's brook? And should I keep treating the tank with NO-ICH?
  15. Reefdad


    No 1.5 2" SB