Reef nutrition

Sad to leave this hobby

@Susan Edwards you have a lot of very nice equipment and some beautiful livestock. Sorry to see you go, but it sounds to me like you've made up your mind and want to move on.

It's generally really hard to sell entire systems - and you're looking at a massive loss even if you do. You'll probably have a lot more luck, and make a lot more money, if you sell everything separately - listed here, on R2R, or facebook. You could probably even sell the live rock and corals, although aiptasia makes that a little harder.

I am sure some folks on BAR would be willing to help you break everything down and/or get it moved/sold/fragged etc.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer but this is starting to sound a lot like a sales thread. @Susan Edwards you need to be a supporting member to sell anything on this forum. Since you're getting out of the hobby the last thing you'd want to do is spend $30 on a year membership.
@Susan Edwards you have a lot of very nice equipment and some beautiful livestock. Sorry to see you go, but it sounds to me like you've made up your mind and want to move on.

It's generally really hard to sell entire systems - and you're looking at a massive loss even if you do. You'll probably have a lot more luck, and make a lot more money, if you sell everything separately - listed here, on R2R, or facebook. You could probably even sell the live rock and corals, although aiptasia makes that a little harder.

I am sure some folks on BAR would be willing to help you break everything down and/or get it moved/sold/fragged etc.
Yes, that is an option. There is a lot of "fragging" available! And I absolutely know I will take a loss. thanks. If I fine a maintenance co for twice a month, I mig ht see if I can hang in there for a bit longer.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer but this is starting to sound a lot like a sales thread. @Susan Edwards you need to be a supporting member to sell anything on this forum. Since you're getting out of the hobby the last thing you'd want to do is spend $30 on a year membership.
If I sell, I'd join. Looking for options right now. If someone does want to buy, I'd join to be fair
@Susan Edwards my dad was in the same boat. He had a 90g office tank from around 1999 with nems, soft coral and fish only for 15+ years after I went to college and couldn't do weekly changes anymore. Things honestly looked great, water changes were once a month at most, and equipment was much more primitive than what you've set up. Once his back went bad and he retired, he pretty much was done. It's still running under the new office owner with the help of monthly service ( @Kensington Reefer has seen it) but having someone do the major maintenance means even newbies can be successful.

Other option is downsize and maintain yourself. I've kept the same nano for 20+ years and even when I was away for grad school, I could check keep things going just by coming back every couple months. Angle lights away from the front glass a little, get lots of trochus snails, and you won't have to scrape the front much either. Even then it's 10 min tops to deep clean the display panel.
Mighty magnets can help with cleaning the glass greatly. Maybe consider lowering the fish bioload too. Then the maintenance gets alot easier
Mighty magnets can help with cleaning the glass greatly. Maybe consider lowering the fish bioload too. Then the maintenance gets alot easier
thanks. I have the flipper edge plus a bunch of other scrappers of varies size handles. So far, the fish load should be good. I'm no where near my capacity I don't believe. I do need more snails and CUC though. The floss I put in 2-3 weeks ago is still white. And none to little nitrates. Even my skimmer doesn't need draining very often. I need to do a turkey blast of t he sand. Been so long, will have to do small sections at a time and then use the "coral snow" after. I have a uv sterilizer, but the pipe started doing a slow drip into the 2nd sump so turned it off. It needs the bulb replaced.

I do have a ton of palys and gsp that could be fragged. Half of one back wall is now gsp and the other the mohawks palys I think if anyone wanted to come get some! I'm too scared to touch the palys.... No charge lol's
Well, as I stated above, I've been trying to decide what to do with my tank. I've had to make that difficult decision to let my tank go. In addition to my own issues (hands and hips), and a full time job (used to be part time), I am now having to do long distance care for my 91 year old dad in Washington (I'm in CA). 2-3 calls a day, sometimes more, and monthly trips up there, and taking over a lot of his finances and tracking his medical care. To say I'm overwhelmed is understated. For my own health, I have to let it go

Just to clarify here, I have joined for a year. I've learned so much since I started in 2016 and this 3rd tank upgrade has been a dream--also a dream tank as it is so dialed in, my neglect isn't really impacting it (except in looks lol's). It hurts to do this but at 69, I have to admit when something is too much for me.

Now I have to figure out HOW to sell it. I'd added up the equipment (not rock or sand or other consumables) and figure there is 15K, mostly all top end Red Sea stuff. I'll be selling everything I have, including my water station with an ardurino setup my husband designed.l

I'm hoping I can get 3000.00. If anyone knows someone in Calif (central, 1 hr south of Sac, 1 hour from bay area), who is looking to move into monster tanks, let them or me know. I'll posted in the sale forum here too. Thanks for all the previous support here. It made me try a bit longer to hang in there. But with my dad, it's just too much.

Well, as I stated above, I've been trying to decide what to do with my tank. I've had to make that difficult decision to let my tank go. In addition to my own issues (hands and hips), and a full time job (used to be part time), I am now having to do long distance care for my 91 year old dad in Washington (I'm in CA). 2-3 calls a day, sometimes more, and monthly trips up there, and taking over a lot of his finances and tracking his medical care. To say I'm overwhelmed is understated. For my own health, I have to let it go

Just to clarify here, I have joined for a year. I've learned so much since I started in 2016 and this 3rd tank upgrade has been a dream--also a dream tank as it is so dialed in, my neglect isn't really impacting it (except in looks lol's). It hurts to do this but at 69, I have to admit when something is too much for me.

Now I have to figure out HOW to sell it. I'd added up the equipment (not rock or sand or other consumables) and figure there is 15K, mostly all top end Red Sea stuff. I'll be selling everything I have, including my water station with an ardurino setup my husband designed.l

I'm hoping I can get 3000.00. If anyone knows someone in Calif (central, 1 hr south of Sac, 1 hour from bay area), who is looking to move into monster tanks, let them or me know. I'll posted in the sale forum here too. Thanks for all the previous support here. It made me try a bit longer to hang in there. But with my dad, it's just too much.

Sad to see someone leave the hobby but definitely take care of yourself and your family, that always comes first. Good luck with sale!