High Tide Aquatics

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  1. Marcus H

    Pairing clowns

    That's why I got the smaller one set first then will try to add the bigger one that's living in my aux tank. I heard adding a smaller one to already established is harder.
  2. Marcus H

    CaptainB's 110g (Marcus)

    Got a neat trachy
  3. Marcus H

    Pairing clowns

    Alright thanks for the advice, I'll give it a go. Any reason to specifically remove the smaller one? I'd just remove whichever I could catch. Somewhat related, in a 4x2 tank I can do two gobies ya? I have a Randall's but want to add an aurora/flagtail also.
  4. Marcus H

    Pairing clowns

    I have a standard orange ocellaris in my frag tank who I never moved over to my new 110g display. He's ~2" but pretty tough, I've had him a few years. In my display I have a slightly smaller and wimpier black domino clown that's been in there a month or so to get established. All fish are...
  5. Marcus H

    BRS has radions @40% off

    All gone
  6. Marcus H

    DBTC: German Blue Digi

    My camerawork really sucks but this is getting ready for fragging
  7. Marcus H

    Massive bubble algae bloom (solutions?)

    Well more will knock it down faster but probably not more than 2 for long term. I have 3 now. When they finish cleaning up you can have 2 if you like.
  8. Marcus H

    Massive bubble algae bloom (solutions?)

    Well they're big so they eat a lot. And they eat bubble. They are slow moving and have tiny little shrimp claws so shouldn't be a threat. Maybe they'll go after coral but I heard if they do it's not to eat but to wear as a hat. I'll probably have one available in a little bit once they clear...
  9. Marcus H

    Massive bubble algae bloom (solutions?)

    I got a couple pithos and they eat bubble algae like crazy but are huge and kinda creepy looking. I thought they would be small like a emerald but they are like sally lightfoot size.
  10. Marcus H

    Good nassarius snails

    Bigger, look cool
  11. Marcus H

    Good nassarius snails

    Thanks. I'm headed out there tomorrow, I'll take a look
  12. Marcus H

    Good nassarius snails

    Anyone seen the nice, big nassarius snails at shops locally? The ones that look like this: . Not these ones:
  13. Marcus H

    How do you estimate the actual water volume in your tank?

    I think he's asking what's the actual water held minus sand, rock, etc. Calcium carbonate density is 2.71g/cm^3 which should mean 22 lb of sand/rock displaces 1g of water. That's if you have actual reef rock, if you have man made aggregate rock I have no idea. (Probably more dense so more lb...
  14. Marcus H

    Algae ID / Control / Elimination

    I think I have the same one as TSI (but not as much). I believe it's a turf algae, when you pull it off it it a bunch of strands from one small "stem"?. If you knock it down manually turbos or big trochus seem to eat the nubs. I'm hopefully getting a rabbitfish later this week for general...
  15. Marcus H

    Hi New Sucker from East Bay

    Mine from the side looks like this. Ramps up from the front then a flat top to place sps. Please excuse the diatoms.
  16. Marcus H

    Hi New Sucker from East Bay

    I agree with the suggestions that the scape is too vertical. Will be hard to place corals in the mid tank. Looks nice from the front though
  17. Marcus H

    Gerry’s Waterbox 180.5

    Looks sleeker and easier to clean also. Plywood should hold up better than mdf.
  18. Marcus H

    Hi New Sucker from East Bay

    I'd just put ro in the tank then add salt and mix in place. Will be cheaper and don't need a bunch of jugs or trips to the lfs.
  19. Marcus H

    Gerry’s Waterbox 180.5

    They're made of laminated plywood.
  20. Marcus H

    Advice, 180.5 stock list

    Oh man I kinda want that fish