Reef nutrition

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  1. rocketmandb

    I Need to Clean House... er Garage - Large Tanks, Halides, Stands

    I'm in Lafayette. Unfortunately, both tanks are essentially packaged up. The custom one is basically crated on three sides (top open).
  2. rocketmandb

    I Need to Clean House... er Garage - Large Tanks, Halides, Stands

    I have a couple Deep Sea Aquatics tanks with overflows - one is a 120, one is a custom 30" wide x 60" long x 24" tall, both starfire glass with stands. The 120 has a slight, non-structural glass shaving off the end of one of the side pieces. The custom has a furniture-grade stand and some...
  3. rocketmandb

    New to the Bay Area

    It will indeed. The first place I had boarding my fish didn't do a great job and he got beat up a bit. I moved them over to World Wide Corals they say he is doing better. The fish I've got coming are: - Lt Tang (Tennenti) - Flamefin Tomini - Mimic Lemonpeel Tang - Purple Tang...
  4. rocketmandb

    New to the Bay Area

    Yeah... I'm going to be adding pipe insulation soon, but as much for sound suppression as temp. The sump may not need it. The area under the house is completely insulated for some reason. I'm more concerned about what the humidity and salt spray will do down there. To your point, I am...
  5. rocketmandb

    New to the Bay Area

    I wanted to drop in and say hi to everyone here. My wife and I just moved into our new home a couple months ago in the Berkeley Hills (Tunnel) area and I've been working on my new build ever since. I've already got a build thread going on 3Reef so won't duplicate here. I'm not too far away...