Reef nutrition

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  1. 650-IS350

    Found This on Back Porch

    You need to have Mantids around your gardens. They would help contain bugs.
  2. 650-IS350

    [Grow-Out Contest]: Mohawk Zoa

    great fast grower, loves light.
  3. 650-IS350

    Do you know these Zoas?

    those look more pink and gold. Do a google image search, they range from brownish to pinkish centers with pinkish skirts with dull to bright goldish specks. Depending on lighting scheme.
  4. 650-IS350

    Montipora battle - Setosa vs Nodosa

    meant to say PS would over run the setosa as that is what happened in my tank before and the previous tank as well.
  5. 650-IS350

    Do you know these Zoas?

    Does it have pink skirts? If so then its pink and gold, if mostly grey/black with gold speckling it's gold dusts. I had all of these long ago that's why I kinda still remember them.
  6. 650-IS350

    Montipora battle - Setosa vs Nodosa

    Montipora def will over run that
  7. 650-IS350

    Do you know these Zoas?

    Jolly Green Giant Palythoa's - I used to have tons of those and gave them away. Peach Rings - 3rd, Either pink and golds (Grows like weeds) or Gold Dust, can't tell from too much blue in the pics to determine true color of the polyp.
  8. 650-IS350

    Weigh in (Part Deaux) ....

    If your running SPS tanks, wouldn't your flow be pretty agressive? meaning that Dragonets being slow feeders, I really don't think they would get a chance to eat the ORA prepared foods with the water flow for SPS? Unless you plan to turn off the flow daily during feedings to allow the Dragonets...
  9. 650-IS350

    My 210 restart.

    Folks gotta contract this guy to do their work for them as they set up their own tanks. ;)
  10. 650-IS350

    Making a comeback?

    Welcome back Art. Clown fish would be cool man
  11. 650-IS350

    Back in the game

    Oh God, love me some Zippy's first thing I do the minute I step foot in Maui. I go hit Zippy's first before headed to Condo.
  12. 650-IS350

    zoa id

    Tyree orange rainbow palythoa's
  13. 650-IS350

    zoa id

    That's a rainbow paly
  14. 650-IS350

    Other Hobbies

    Fishing (used to no more time), Guns (California making harder for law abiding citizen), Cars (Pot holes in our crappy freeways and roads make it challenging), Reptites (bearded dragon)
  15. 650-IS350

    Amphipods eating corals?

    I've nuked my tank before with interceptor as well. I just get all the important inverts I want to keep out of the tank during the process.
  16. 650-IS350

    Amphipods eating corals?

    Good read Seeing is believing..
  17. 650-IS350

    Amphipods eating corals?

    Mandarins have really small mouths, more for Copepods. The ones that harm polyps are the Large ampipods Its the big ones about 1/4" or slightly bigger that I've seen usually eat Zoos and Palys. Usually going after the polyps skirt/tentacles first.
  18. 650-IS350

    Amphipods eating corals?

    I've had really large Ampipods decimate zoos and palys. I've personally watched them at night with a red flashlight. Got some wrasses, ampipods history.
  19. 650-IS350

    Finally installed my custom tank from Neptune's

    Nice looking tank. Congrats.
  20. 650-IS350

    Vermatid snails?

    I just super glue them in their home made tomb.