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  1. Reef Keeper

    Tank of a lifetime 215 in wall

    Beau ti ful Man. Hope you Folks made out okay from these storms.... My gen ran for a little over 3 1/2 hours the other night.
  2. Reef Keeper

    Joel's Tank Journal(s)

    Thx Man. Power back up after 3 1/2 hours-pretty short outage for us here. Wish I had an extension cord to reach Tuberider's place. Not sure how he made out. Yes: Combination 51st B'day, Valentine's and 20th year of being together all wrapped up in to one nice cruise. Back-to-Back on...
  3. Reef Keeper

    Joel's Tank Journal(s)

    Oops! Black out and now generator is kicking in. 1 year has past, and this is the first real work out it's getting. Yippie. Don't forget to call AAAA for annual svc'ng.
  4. Reef Keeper

    Joel's Tank Journal(s)

    Back from paradise and the tank looks great too.
  5. Reef Keeper

    I need to vent

    I hear you: I may be guilty, as you passed on a Sexy Mycedium to me at a monthly meeting last March-2010, but I did not put it on the dbtc page. Here is a before and after. Before: Sexy After: Even Sexier PLMK where I should post the corals you've past along to me..... I...
  6. Reef Keeper

    Joel's Tank Journal(s)

    Misc Photos Taken with Nikon
  7. Reef Keeper

    Joel's Tank Journal(s)

    Green Eye Chalice Feeding Photographed with Nikon D5000 in Macro mode. First time seeing this coral feeding and using this camera. Attached files
  8. Reef Keeper

    Bristleworm (RC)

    Check this one out S)
  9. Reef Keeper

    sfboarders first tank 100 gallon

    Very nice workmanship inside and outside the display. Beautiful. :glasses:
  10. Reef Keeper

    Bristleworm (RC)

    That's sick, but I had to watch.... I've heard they can be several feet long too. Yikes. Good find.