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  1. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    I think the factory got the win. Even with the discount they gave me, they were still expensive. Do you have a project for the Mitras that you like? I am thinking of downloading one from the factory site and starting there. 14k, 17k, other?
  2. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    I dumped in some bacteria last night and will continue to add a bit every day for a few days (per instructions on the bottle). Look what arrived! Seeing the algae bloom that is going on in my refugium, I think I'll start with something like a 1-hour photo period and then start ramping it up...
  3. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Good idea, I'll try and pick some up tomorrow and dump it in. I pass pretty close to Ca Reef Co on my way home, hopefully they have some.
  4. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    I'll take a few trochus please. Did a 100g water change this weekend and then added 3 cerith, 3 trochus, 3 astrea, and 2 cleaner shrimp with a 4 hour drip acclimation. I now actually have something to watch! The ceriths buried themselves almost immediately. Cleaner shrimp are scurrying about...
  5. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Thanks Guys, Anyone know if AC keeps theirs separate? I can just order online and have them by Wednesday otherwise. They'll be here by the time I am setting up my lights. Interesting on the Alk level, thanks!
  6. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    That many, OK thanks. Sounds like an order from one of the web services as that many would get me free overnight shipping. I have been testing/logging weekly. Expect the frequency to go up when I get inhabitants just to keep a close eye on things. Using the apex to log (nice setup with the...
  7. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    I haven't even gotten any fish into QT yet, so I am pretty far away from anything other than a clean up crew. Need to rectify that. Just received word my Mitras will be here mid next week, yeah! Then 'll be able to really kick start the algae bloom!
  8. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Yikes, wouldn't do me a lot of good right now to get a CUC that needs weeks or quarantine. Suggestions on where to get a safe CUC?
  9. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Thanks. Do you know when the group buy is going in? Is it too early for any shrimp, or should I just stick to snails for now?
  10. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Thanks. I'll grab 20 or so for starters. Is AC a good place to get them or Neptune or either. I'll try and email Neptune and see what they have as they are closer.
  11. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    How many is decent and should I start off with that many? I had planned to kind of ramp things up.
  12. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    It is starting....getting brown spots on the marine pure blocks in the refugium, which is getting 12 hours of light from the H80. Chaeto has doubled or maybe tripled in the 10 days it has been in there. Planning to get a few various snails this weekend (4-6?). Besides trochus and astrea...
  13. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Thanks, what kind of shrimp (be nicer to look at than just snails)? Be OK to get the from Neptune or AC and just throw them in?
  14. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Thanks All, My nitrate is nearly down to zero - assuming the chaeto is pulling that out? Where would you guys recommend getting some snails that I can comfortably place in the tank without fear of having to quarantine them first (defeating some of the purpose of getting them in the tank now)...
  15. W

    Making a comeback?

    Hi, I just did a 150g tank start with dead marco rock and dead sand. I dosed ammonia to 4 ppm, added Dr. Tim's One and Only at the required amount plus about 10% extra, and my tank cycled in 15 days. I vote for clown/anemone tank. Watching coral grow is like, watching coral grow - my personal...
  16. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Wouldn't snails/crabs also need to go through quarantine? What type of crabs are recommended? Ugly as in algae ugly?
  17. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Suggestions? We also have fire shrimp on our list, would those work at this time?
  18. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Yeah - tank is cycled! 15 days from 4 ppm ammonia and lots of Dr. Tim's to zero Nitrites. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate is still dropping, now down to 10 ppm and I haven't done any water change yet (carbon, GFO, and chaeto running). Lowered the temp to 77.0 - 77.5 F. Now seeing I am many weeks...
  19. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    Thanks. Nitrates are dropping even as I near the end of the nitrite phase. I have my H80 full power on " grow", I'll try backing it off a bit and setting it more blue. Scuzy - yikes, what did it take your pH from at baseline to when using the scrubber? I was thinking of blending some air...
  20. W

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    How often do you go through scrubber? Or how much per month do you spend on scrubber material?