Cali Kid Corals

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  1. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    Sorry I meant dose on those days I feed almost everyday. Here are some crappy pics which is all I can manage lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    Hello everyone! As some of you may know my tank had a small crash recently. Apart from that I wanted to start a tank journal to track progress and growth. This reef has been set-up since March 2014 and moved to my new home in June. Since the I have had many additions to my reef and plan to...
  4. swayd


    Yeah can't wait to actually get a controller. Hopefully that will help me stabilize my reef better. Thanks guys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. swayd


    So all sps are dead and so are all my blastos. No more sps for me until I upgrade my system equipment and buy a controller. This really sucks :-/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. swayd


    Thats intense lol
  7. swayd


    DIY controller?
  8. swayd


    Thanks, I hope so too especially my LPS, they were super POd this morning.
  9. swayd


    Yeah but what can you do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming!!!!! :p
  10. swayd


    Thanks man I appreciate all of the info. Now Im really going to be on the hunt for one of these older controllers. Where would you say is the best place to start looking? I messed up a week ago and lost my PH test kit so I have no way of knowing at the moment what my PH is. I am def sold on the...
  11. swayd

    Any help for my sons fundraising campaign would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Shared and will try to donate as soon as I get paid! Reef on! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. swayd


    Ok so two acro dead The other 3 browned out 4 montis browned 1 blasto dead Zoas look POd Other LPS just look POd as well I did 20g water change and it brought the alk down from 11 to 10. I might just try to keep it there tho and let the coral consume the rest of it. Salinity went from 1.025 to...
  13. swayd


    I hear ya. I guess its time to start upgrading my equipment either way lol. LOLZ
  14. swayd


    I have been looking at the controllers and havent decided on which one to use. I will keep an eye out for a used one because all of the features you mentioned sound amazing. I was thinking of just purchasing another aqualifter for a separate kalk reservoir. My system volume is around 70gallons...
  15. swayd


    I had it all mapped out until I started dosing. I hadn't taken into account the amount of kalk I was dosing and the possibility of it all draining into my system at once. You live and you learn lol.