Reef nutrition

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  1. swayd

    Darcy's 20g nano

    Im so Jelly!!!! :eek:
  2. swayd

    Darcy's 20g nano

    No thank you. I think the swap is a better way to spread them lol. Oh no hopefully he keeps everything in check! You must love to travel huh??!! Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. swayd

    Darcy's 20g nano

    That's super awesome. I'm glad they did well for you. I actually don't even have frags of those anymore lol. How's the rest of your coral doing? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. swayd

    Hello everyone, new reefer here

    Welcome to BAR! This is a wonderful community. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. swayd

    Orange Ricordia

    Mine finally has a second mouth, so I hope for it to be splitting soon!
  6. swayd

    Fuel and Acro power

    Ohhh I see lol. I thought he was mentioning a different product, my bad!
  7. swayd

    Fuel and Acro power

    I agree with the above and since I am using an over sized skimmer, media reactor and chemi-pure(not in the reactor) with only 5 fish I believe I have more to benefit from this product. I have actually seen great improvement in my coral and tons of growth. All of my zoas have began to sprout...
  8. swayd

    Darcy's 20g nano

    Nice I'm glad you're back on here lol. I can't wait to see you tank and just an FYI Petco is having a sale lol. I just picked up a 40b. If you need any help let me know and I might have some new stuff for you soon when I frag haha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    Just a crappy iPhone vid Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. swayd

    Darcy's 20g nano

    How is this tank doing? Updated pics? :p:D
  13. swayd

    Fuel and Acro power

    What experience do you have with this?
  14. swayd

    Another person new to reefs and the Bay Area

    I you can get yourself a 40B, that would be a great place to start. If not, a 20g is not the end of the world and I always loved having my 20g tanks. Either way I noticed you said you wanted to get in to propagating. If so you will first need to have a very stable reef and coral that are...
  15. swayd

    Fuel and Acro power

    brleong Its about $10-$15 depending on where you get it. I got mine at aquatic collection. This stuff seems to work but like everything eles it all depends on your system.
  16. swayd

    Fuel and Acro power

    So I have been keeping up with dosing this Fuel stuff and things look great! Zoas are insanely happy(sprouting babies faster), acros are doing very well and have great polyp extension(bunch of growth on all tips of all my SPS), and LPS are actually finally starting to show some sort of...
  17. swayd

    Fuel and Acro power

    Thanks Nav. Post number 8. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. swayd

    Fuel and Acro power

    Well I have the additive so I mine as well give it a shot. I do admit I have had way better looking tanks when all I did was do frequent water changes. Back when I had a nano, I used to do two 15% water changes a week and I had amazing colors just slow growth. Right now I have moderate growth...
  19. swayd

    Fuel and Acro power

    So, the story goes like this. Lately I've been having problems maintaining my alk. So I've come to realize it's probably from me being lazy and only doing water changes once a month. This has probably depleted my mag levels thus making cal and alk unstable. I have tried to does kalk but that...
  20. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    So I got this awesome aqua euro usa classic 135 protein skimmer last night for $20 and I was so excited to set it up when BAMMM!!!!!!! I drop it and the return pipe breaks off of the body! I am so mad at myself right now but what can I do! I super glued it back on before I left for work today...