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  1. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    One of the frags from the frag swap finally colored up! It went from brown ugly palys to purple death palys lol. I finally got around to scraping the coraline from the front glass and am now working on the right hand side. My clowns are getting real mean and I now have to wear gloves every time...
  2. swayd

    Anyone going to Reef-a-Palooza 2014 in Orange County, CA?

    Im going with the Fiance. Convinced her to go by telling her we could spend a day at six flags lol!
  3. swayd

    Local stores that carry or can order wrasses

    Aquarium concepts has some nice wrasses. I got a leopard from them and he was eating frozen and doing great until he decided to jump. I would have them order one and keep it on hold for a week to make sure it's healthy and eating before you take it home. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    I would like to thank @Darcy Vasudev for the great hook up of kenya tree and shrooms this week, my brother loves them! I would also like to thank @Geneva for the beautiful Toadstool and mushrooms she was so kind to hook me up with. I was so inspired by her beautiful yet simple tank that I went...
  5. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    I am also looking for a green toadstool if anyone has one for sale. Looking for a smaller one not a full sized beast lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    The journey continues as I am now going to try to add a 40B as a sump this weekend. If that fails and does not fit properly I am going to turn the 40B into a sps reef and keep it simple. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. swayd

    TGunn's First 37g in the Bay Area

    Great looking tank. Keep us updated on how you are going to go about dosing.
  8. swayd

    Darcy's 20g nano

    It was my pleasure @Darcy Vasudev
  9. swayd

    Darcy's 20g nano

    Thanks for hooking me up Darcy, you are the best! By the way this tank looks amazing in person and Darcy is a wonderful reefer to talk to! Thank you!
  10. swayd

    Darcy's 20g nano

    I have a couple frags I need to let go if your interested. They aren't the super cool big mane zoas but they are zoas none the less. I would actually be willing to grab a Kenya tree for my brothers tank as he has no coral if you want to sell me a chunk lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. swayd

    Free Sunset Montis

    I would love to pick one up from you but wont be able to until Friday or Saturday! I will check back then and see if they are still up for grabs!
  12. swayd

    Darcy's 20g nano

    Wow your tank looks fantastic! I actually really like the Kenya trees but do not like how fast they spread! You need more zoas lol.
  13. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    So picked up two new zoa frags on Thursday along with ten hermits. Yesterday I picked up 3 emeralds because I found some bubble algae that came in on a frag I bought. Going to be rescaping soon and gluing zoas on the rocks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. swayd

    Better Post, Empty Forums Attract Vagarants...

    Wow! How did you do that? That must take a lot of time and patience lol.
  15. swayd

    DIY Help/Advice on a New (to me) 120 Gallon Tank

    You can plug them, use them as return if you would like, or just get a new piece of acrylic and to make it an overflow again. Yeah I would throw at least a 40B under that bad boy.
  16. swayd

    Bubble algae

    Take out the rock its on and throw it away if you are able to. DO NOT POP THE BUBBLE ALGAE, it will spread like wildfire! Use a scalpel and cut it out at the base without popping it and super glue over any left over algae. Emerald crabs with the smaller pinchers like to eat it sometimes...
  17. swayd

    Anyone breeding Cardinal fish or "common" clowns?

    If anyone is breeding Bangai Cardinals let me know I want to put a few in my reef and would rather have the tank bred Cardinals.
  18. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    Picking up some blue leg hermits, and snails today!
  19. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    Thanks, I want a couple more they definitely give my reef the most movement. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. swayd

    El Cubo De Swayd

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk