
Search results

  1. monkeybiz

    Bumbling newbie's 65g mixed reef

    Great advice. Nothing more discouraging then watching your corals decline health wise
  2. monkeybiz

    Felicia's 30 Gallon Seahorse Tank - Seahorses have arrived!!!

    All the planning you did really reflects in the final product. Looks great
  3. monkeybiz

    Rich's First SF Build

    Whoa, anymore pics of those stigmata blennies?
  4. monkeybiz


    Got a 4 ployp frag available to anyone interested in San Jose. Got these from denzil. Probably the best starter zoa new reefers cause they have great color, hardy as anything else in my tank, and grows fairly fast.
  5. monkeybiz

    20 gallon long AIO nano reef

    FTS update shot Havent changed or added anything. My bta is doing well after its encounter with the skimmer. My frag of 5 sunny d's is up to 8 plus two baby ployps. About a week ago i noticed the foot of my ricordea was stretching across the rock it was on. It receded back and left two...
  6. monkeybiz


    welcome! based off your pics, that must have been a stunning tank to see in person.
  7. monkeybiz

    tr1ggers 5.5 Gallon Pico

    sorry to hear about the zoa loss. how often are your water changes and what % of volume are you changing? I want to add some monti caps to my 20 gallon but I change only 20% every 10 days or so.
  8. monkeybiz

    Rygh's 250 gallon upgrade

    great fts
  9. monkeybiz

    20 gallon long AIO nano reef

    here's a dbtc update. the hammer coral i picked up from neuro is doing well and though it might not be ready for fragging for dbtc it looks like its going in the right direction.
  10. monkeybiz

    20 gallon long AIO nano reef

    everything stayed closed for about a week after the tank spike, but i found that it may have been stray current in the tank that was bothering all the corals. a bare strip of the led strip i was using for moonlighting was coming in contact with the water. after i fixed that most of the corals...
  11. monkeybiz

    Rich's First SF Build

    always look forward to pics of your tank. thanks for the update
  12. monkeybiz

    Bumbling newbie's 65g mixed reef

    looks like a great start. I live the research and setting up part of a new tank, but waiting for it to cycle is tough. what rock did you decide to go with and what type if corals/fish are you planning on keeping?
  13. monkeybiz

    20 gallon long AIO nano reef

    It was really warm that day and I didn't get home till real late. I usually through a frozen bottle of water in when I notice the temp rising. Thinking about getting a reef keeper lite and a small clip on fan to help keep the tank cool when I'm away.
  14. monkeybiz

    pinners tanks (Virtual Tour March 2nd 2014 pm for login info )

    Those are some great pieces. I especially like the first two