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  1. JRocha

    pictures of corals past

    a little bit of everything. crashes, tank changes, and some got stung and never recovered. And yes they are missed very much.
  2. JRocha

    pictures of corals past

    1. open brain 3. green moseleya 4. green favia feeding. (not a specialty at all. just plain green favia)
  3. JRocha

    show us your walking dendros

    Thanks gresh. It catches PE mysis from time to time and of course oyster feast. Yeah we got it from OT when it was open. It was one of the first ones they got. it's had its ups and downs. it even survived .036 salinity then an immediate drop to .028. pretty hardy for us. she never stirs up the...
  4. JRocha

    show us your walking dendros

    the coral itself seems to get along with most of her coral. what I mean by that is that when the worm moves the coral right up against another coral it doesn't seem to get stung. we find it tissue to tissue with our open brains and nobody seems to get hurt. its cool cause everyday I come home...
  5. JRocha

    pictures of corals past

    yeah I know. I miss my open brains the most.
  6. JRocha

    show us your walking dendros

    you got it.
  7. JRocha

    pictures of corals past

    we were looking through some old pics and found a bunch of pictures of coral that have moved on to the blue ocean in the sky. these are a few. they will be missed.
  8. JRocha

    show us your walking dendros

    this is my girl's walking dendo in her 29 gallon. its been around for 2 years now.
  9. JRocha

    Underrated corals

    1. war coral 2. duncan coral 3. maze brains 4. moseleya coral even though its not super common 5. ORA red table top acro
  10. JRocha

    Vacation Recomendations

    My girlfriend got certified at wallins in san carlos, very professional was certified in fiji. as for the place or package I will ask my brother who set it up. I believe our package included hotel and dives. the hotel was on the beach but wasn't the best. just remember that when you are on...
  11. JRocha

    underwater transparent spiders all over dead sps. WTF is it

    That looks exaclty like what I found just the really small version and different color. maybe this explains the random snail death, since they can eat small inverts. I wonder what wrasse hunts these down. thanks
  12. JRocha

    underwater transparent spiders all over dead sps. WTF is it

    Nice. I was getting a chalice frag that fell through some rocks and I found the sps frag and a couple snail shells so I was removing them. I found the little guys and figured I try to find out what they were, but I will see if I keep finding them. So far all my other corals are doing just fine...
  13. JRocha

    underwater transparent spiders all over dead sps. WTF is it

    oh yeah the frag plug was under some rocks so they were in no light.
  14. JRocha

    underwater transparent spiders all over dead sps. WTF is it

    I was removing all the dead snails and dead frags and when I pulled out a dead sps frag plug there was over 10 tiny transparent spiders all over it. they are about the size of a small pinhead. are they bad? I have never seen anything like it. they have 8 legs and walk like a spider. I have no...
  15. JRocha

    odd anemone

    that is what my roses look like. I gave like 4 of them to OT when they were open and have sold a few in the past so that might have come from my tank at one point. they split like crazy. I started with one over 5 years agao and have had over 30+ since then. at one single point in time I had over...
  16. JRocha

    Vacation Recomendations

    my brothers went to corn island off the coast of Nicaragua and they said it was beautiful. I went to Ambergris caye of the coast of belize 5n years ago to go scuba diving and wow that place was awesome. the wall dives are sick. you will see hella black cap grammas living in large groups. I dove...
  17. JRocha

    Help--My nitrate levels are too high

    the best part of the pond matrix is that you never have to replace it. One time fee. can't go wrong. as for the other nitrate removers, thyey didn't seem to work for my bioload. I just like it cause you don't need to overload your tank with live rock, just overload your sump with matrix and your set
  18. JRocha

    What's up with SeaChem Reef Salt?

    most salt mixes often end up cloudy. OT taught me a trick. when mixing the water ziptie a filter sock at the end of a hose attached to the mixing pump and watch the clear water happen right before your eyes. works everytime.
  19. JRocha

    Green Marine closing soon

    I donated a few sps colonies to GM a few weeks ago and he was trying to clean up the tanks that were left in shambles. they have nice corals , but they have to color up again. unfortunately he is running out of time. its too bad prices are great.