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  1. Sfork

    CYP Cover Your Pump..

    Yeah, that's a bridge toll for me :), gonna wait for the traffic to die down and head over to walmart
  2. Sfork

    CYP Cover Your Pump..

    Michaels in Emeryville does NOT have this >=( just an fyi for anyone looking to get some. They said any other Michaels would have it, even all walmarts should have it.
  3. Sfork

    DBTC Aussie Lobo

  4. Sfork

    Breeding Forum!

    lol I doubt it.
  5. Sfork

    Yellow Polyp Toadstool

    Tried to make 1 big frag ended up with 1 medium sized one and 2 smaller ones. So I have 2 small frags for grabs. if you look at my update picture on page 2 the frags are one of those smaller hill like formations on the bottom. I'd say they've doubled in size since I took the picture...
  6. Sfork

    Sfork's First Salt tank!

    A yellow/clear sponge has decided to grow on my expired ammonia test. It's been pretty cool watching this thing grow over the past month. I figured I should start taking pictures of it.
  7. Sfork

    Christmas Favia - Possibly Bleaching?

    if you really think it's just the acclimation to light, throw some mesh over that area across the tank. If you're making it brighter weekly remember to do it by the same amount (turn the knob 1-2mm), not until it looks brighter. It takes a lot of change for you to actually notice that it's...
  8. Sfork

    Sfork's 33.6 Gallon Mr. Aqua Rimless

    Thanks, everything is good to go top side. Need to redo some plumbing down below (vinyl tube pump to isolate vibration). Probably going to home depot tomorrow and add some foam under the sump tomorrow before I fill it with water and stop at a michaels store to get some plastic mesh to add to...
  9. Sfork

    Yellow Polyp Toadstool

    works for me
  10. Sfork

    Beer Brewing!

    Sounds like good stuff, I wonder where I can get some Yuengling used to be my go to beer back on the east coast.
  11. Sfork

    Yellow Polyp Toadstool

    Sweet, I'll lob one off for you and let it heal on a plug. If you want you can have it fresh too let me know when you want to pick it up I'm located at lake merritt in oakland.
  12. Sfork

    Sfork's 33.6 Gallon Mr. Aqua Rimless

    a Trip to Mario's and 4 separate trips to ace hard ware. Now I have light! hopefully no rain tomorrow so I can saw off the extra parts on the front prime and paint it and get some water in this tank. The hanging hardware that came with the light F****** failed and I had to go replace it...
  13. Sfork

    Lighting Schedule / Photo Period

    Yeah, i remember that most plants max out at about 6 hours of high intensity light then their chlorophyll waits for night fall to processes the stored up energy. I'm sure corals are something similar, but what's high intensity for what corals *shrug*. I remember some guy having his lights on a 6...
  14. Sfork

    Beer Brewing!

  15. Sfork

    Beer Brewing!

    Sounds awesome! I'll probably have to do it inside, but I live alone so I wont mind. The neighbors already think I'm growing because of all the aquarium lights that got shipped in, don't need anything brewing outside also haha(apartments). I think I'll start out with some type of pale ale, I...
  16. Sfork

    Yellow Polyp Toadstool

    Bump, no one wants some? I may have to start fragging to sell/donate if no one wants to take my frags lol.
  17. Sfork

    Beer Brewing!

    Anyone brew beer? I visited that brewing store next to green marine (which is no longer closing btw) I'm ready to brew some beer. I especially like the vibe of the store, they sold me a $20 book and told me to come back when I'm done reading up on it :).
  18. Sfork

    walked in on some hanky panky!

    Clownfishes is supposed to be the book to get, It's hard to come by. May have to find someone who owns it and make copies, other than that I'm still waiting for mine to spawn :).
  19. Sfork

    walked in on some hanky panky!

    No rush, most research I've done says the first few batches usually have bad rates of survival.
  20. Sfork

    Coral ID

    That it's not some kind of colt coral? It's some type of anemone and it's always fun to feed stuff.