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  1. V

    HOB overflow in AIO tank

    Thought about it. I intend to use the back of my tank as a refugium. So I am trying to hold onto this.
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    HOB overflow in AIO tank

    There is but that chamber is now being used as my return chamber. I had to swap the two sides because the overflow would not fit inside my drain chamber(the one with the weir). Sorry if that is confusing.
  3. V

    HOB overflow in AIO tank

    In case it's confusing. Here is the black acrylic panel that I am referring to.
  4. V

    HOB overflow in AIO tank

    Thank you. I think I managed to dial it a bit more tonight. So far so good. Can I create a weir on the acrylic? I have placed the overflow in my return chamber in my AIO due to its size. So I no longer have a weir. I was thinking of using a Dremel to create some slots in that black acrylic...
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    HOB overflow in AIO tank

    Thanks a lot. Yes I am using the cpr overflow with an aqualifter pump. Indeed I want to have more stability in my tank and having a sump will increase the overall volume not mentioning all the nice stuff that you can do with a sump. I spent some time tonight dialing both the intake and the...
  6. V

    HOB overflow in AIO tank

    Yes, i did add the overflow box to add the sump. I am aware of that method but I was not keen on drilling the tank because it is a big hassle after having livestock in. Inside the overflow, I do not have bubbles. In my drain pipe, there is some trapped air. That is because i had to regulate...
  7. V

    HOB overflow in AIO tank

    Hi all, I managed to get a HOB overflow that fits very nicely in my 40 gal AIO tank. However, I am having a hard time keeping the desired water level in the overflow. I am dialing my pump and the return valve on the drain and overflow but the liquid level tends to decrease with time (about 4-5...
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    Fire_Reefer's Begginer's Journey - Fluval 13.5gal

    That is great. Good to know! And it is nice that other reefers have the fluval too. It is an awesome little tank!
  9. V

    Fire_Reefer's Begginer's Journey - Fluval 13.5gal

    That is coming up really nicely. I have a fluval 13.5 gal as well, and I am thinking of converting into a reef tank. Are you still using stock lighting for your setup? Also, I am curious about your water changes. Do you do those regularly? The updates are very entertaining. keep them coming!
  10. V

    Ideas - sump in basement?

    That is very nice! thank you for your offer. I will PM you about it.
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    Ideas - sump in basement?

    yeah i am guessing you are referring to apex stuff. At some point i will get one. i need one for my overseas trip anyway. It needs to be reliable .
  12. V

    Ideas - sump in basement?

    Thank you for your offer. I will probably run HOB for now and switch to a bigger tank later this year or next year. It's hard not to upgrade in this hobby. I remember that I used to have 3 freshwater tanks...and still wanted more.
  13. V

    Ideas - sump in basement?

    Yeah I think that's what I am going to do. Run the sump in my cabinet and put everything else in basement. Haha. I am trying to not get poisoned by the idea of going a bigger tank. At least not for now. Maybe by end of the year I may change my mind.
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    Ideas - sump in basement?

    So if I put my current 15 gal sump underneath in my cabinet, what size of external overflow should I get? Thanks!
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    Ideas - sump in basement?

    Yeah that makes sense. I should probably upgrade the tank at some point. It is more practical.
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    Ideas - sump in basement?

    This is a great point. That face of the house runs warmer and the sump was planned to be just underneath it. However, the basement (as a whole) runs about 5-6 degrees cooler because it is not insulated.
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    Ideas - sump in basement?

    the basement is well ventilated and not finished
  18. V

    Ideas - sump in basement?

    My main concern at the moment is how do i get enough space to put dosing containers, apex etc.? I have only 22" by 22" footprint. Get a small cabinet next to it or something like that?
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    Ideas - sump in basement?

    good point about the noise. I was thinking that it wont be too much of a problem since it is an unfinished basement.
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    Ideas - sump in basement?

    Yes, I have a 15 gal acrylic sump and am currently working on it. I just thought about the basement sump yesterday to get more space and make water change easier. I did think about the return pump. It will have to be a big one.At least 10 ft overhead. Nice meeting you yesterday!