Neptune Aquatics

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  1. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    Sounds good. I am totally interested and will go if it doesn’t overlap with my scheduled vacation.
  2. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    I am a fisheries biologist so I am all about journaling data :-) I got that covered. Thank you!!!!
  3. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    I live in Livermore, CA. I will post a picture of my shrimp during feeding time. He is kind of shy but adorable..
  4. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    Hi!!! Oh! Use of a PAR Meter! Sold, I just signed up. So, the size of my tank, I have the AquaTop and the is 21.7 X 21.7. So I am good their. I didn’t think of the height of the light. I just measured it at is at 8” above the tank. I put my lights on at 100% all blues/purples and 15 % all...
  5. SaltwaterAddict

    Hi Reefers

    Hi Bay Area Reefers, I am new to this hobby. I got my 14 year old son a 15 gallon tank for Christmas and before you know it, I was spending all my money on it and became addicted. I recently upgraded to a 45 G tank about 1 week ago. I have managed to keep all water parameters good since January...