Cali Kid Corals

Search results

  1. myi8909

    MP40 wet side

    any reason I was skipped over?
  2. myi8909

    MP40 wet side

    Where are you at? I'm interested in one
  3. myi8909

    Myi89's Mixed Reef Red Sea Reefer 250

    Thanks! I've gotten almost all my fish from Aquatic Collection. I know they treat their fish holding tanks with copper so I've never had an issue with diseases. Plus, they have one of the most diverse collections in the bay.
  4. myi8909

    Myi89's Mixed Reef Red Sea Reefer 250

    In my opinion, the most beautiful fish you can get. Before I got my spotted mandarin, I had a male blue mandarin that was paired with the female ( Unfortunately, the male passed away earlier in the year.
  5. myi8909

    Myi89's Mixed Reef Red Sea Reefer 250

    My SPS additions since last month.
  6. myi8909

    Myi89's Mixed Reef Red Sea Reefer 250

    Hello Bay Area Reefers! Been a member for about 2 months but a lurker for longer. I just did a rework on my system so I figure this might be a good time to start my tank journal to monitor my progress. I started the hobby in the summer of 2018 and made the mistake of going small (13.5 gal...