Reef nutrition

Search results

  1. Holly94583

    DBTC: WWC Cherry Garcia Chalice

    I just added WWC Cherry Garcia Chalice to DBTC. There are 1 frag(s) available right now. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  2. Holly94583

    DBTC: Watermelon Discosoma

    I just added Watermelon Discosoma to DBTC. There are 1 frag(s) available right now. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  3. Holly94583

    DBTC: Superman discosoma

    I just added Superman discosoma to DBTC. I got this one at the frag swap in Concord. Don’t remember from who though. Pick up in San Ramon or can eventually meet between San Ramon and Vallejo on weekdays. There are 1 frag(s) available right now. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  4. Holly94583

    Free Melanarus Wrasse

    Finally caught him tonight right after he went to sleep in the sand. Free to supporting member. 3.5 to 4 inches. Been in my tank for more than one year. He has always been the only wrasse in my tank but I introduced two new wrasses recently and he has been harassing them ever since. He will eat...
  5. Holly94583

    Free corals

    Hi there, I have this watermelon discosoma mushroom that detached itself from its island. I don’t want it on the main rock so giving it away. It is bigger than pictured, was pissed off from being handled. Also getting rid of this rainbow pocillopora colony. FYI, It spawned in my tank and it...
  6. Holly94583

    DBTC: Ironman Blastomussa

    I just added Ironman Blastomussa to DBTC. I was able to frag little baby heads that were growing under the frag disk. Frags are very small (and cute) but that’s all you need to start a colony. There are 1 frag(s) available right now. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  7. Holly94583

    Food grade Calcium Chloride - Good enough for reefing?

    Hi all, BRS's Calcium Chloride just went from $19.99 to $39.99 a few days ago . I was looking for an alternative and came across this food grade anhydrous Calcium Chloride: The price comes out to $135 including shipping for 50lbs (15% off...
  8. Holly94583

    Carole-Anne's Waterbox 220.6

    Hi everyone, my name is Carole-Anne and this is my tank journal. I realized that my first journal didn’t have a lot of information so I add more details below :) I got into the fish hobby in 2019 when I took over the cleaning and maintenance of my workplace fish tank. Then in 2020, I bought a...
  9. Holly94583

    Need help moving a new tank from driveway to living room - San Ramon

    Hi there, I just received my new Waterbox 220.6 and I would need help moving it from our driveway to the living room, then place it on the stand. I would need 3 people for 30 minutes maximum either tomorrow (Thursday) after 6pm, Friday or this weekend. Tank is located in San Ramon. I borrowed 4...
  10. Holly94583

    Carole-Anne's RS250

    Hi there! Recently upgraded from a Red Sea 170 to a Red Sea 250 and loving the extra space to add more coral. Here is a list of my equipment and livestock: Circulation: Return Pump: Aquariumstation DC5000 Power Head: 2 Ecotech MP10 Filtration: 2 stock overflow filter socks Skimmer: EShopps...