Cali Kid Corals

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  1. A

    IM 10gal 3D Reef

    Hey what's up everybody? I am restarting my reeftank. We recently moved and took advantage of revamping everything. I had algae problems in the previous house, I think I had poor water problems with my RODI at the previous house. Anyway. We are restarting. Very exciting times. Nothing like...
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    IM 10gal Reef Stocking advice.

    Hey all Looking for advice, input, steer in the right direction, inspiration and schooling! So let 'er rip My tank currently has about 6 or 7 Sexy Shrimp and a Cleaner Skunk Shrimp. You can see my Aquarium Journal. In addition to these shrimp, I want to keep some peaceful fish. Below are...