
Search results

  1. robert4025

    CoralVue Hydros

    Get a bunch more Hydro’s Accessories in if anyone is looking for local source. More on the way.
  2. robert4025

    New delivery of Tropic Marin salt arrived

    Some of you have been asking for this in the past few week so here you have it. Please buy all of it.
  3. robert4025


  4. robert4025

    Yes, free Red Sea G1 E-260…5yo!

    I know with recent flood of Red Sea G1 failing issues lately, the last thing you want to see is this post. But, I just couldn’t get myself to throw it away. If anyone is ballsy enough to give it a 2nd life, it’s all yours. This was the old display in the shop. I am replacing it with UNS R90...
  5. robert4025

    Free reef rocks and rubbles

    Got few more boxes for free. These have been exposed to Cupramine so use it at your own discretion’s. First come first served.
  6. robert4025

    Re-designed Frag Saw

    This is so cool to me. My staff redesigned fragging bandsaw for the shop. Final version will be CNC’ed out of Aluminum. Can’t wait for to see the final version.
  7. robert4025

    Happy Carpets!

    Look at the size of these babies!
  8. robert4025

    CaRx media (Aragonite)

    Just scored the last remaining stock my supplier has!
  9. robert4025

    Carpet Anemones, anyone?

  10. robert4025

    BAR Banner

    So, here’s the first cut of the banner my brother did. What do you guys think? #1
  11. robert4025


    It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Lots has been going on both in and outside the shop. Not sure if it’s of any interest to you reef peeps but I am expanding the shop to offer larger selection of freshwater. The old woodshop is gone and in its place is the new freshwater expansion...
  12. robert4025

    Summer Special on Malaysian Torch - $150/head

    They are normally $250/head. Super green w/ pink tip.
  13. robert4025

    Malaysian Acros?

    Any stick head interested in these ridiculously priced sticks? 1” frag will run you about $150-$250? These are not in my tank. But, I have an opportunity to pick up some this week if there’s serious interest.
  14. robert4025

    TheRealMadMax Monster Tank Build

    This build is still in progress. The main stuff upstairs where the main tank is located are 99% completed. Downstairs in the filtration room, works still being done. I’am hoping to get this one cycling in two weeks. Here’s some details: - Mfg - Crystal Dynamic - Dimension: 72x24x24 Rimless -...
  15. robert4025

    Custom 500G Reef System

    This has been the longest project I’ve worked on. Took two full years to finish. Finally got it system- level leak testing today. Here’s some details about the tank: - Mfg - Crystal Dynamic - Dimension: 78"x38"x38" - Eurobraced w/ stainless steel top and bottom - Reinforced bottom with...
  16. robert4025

    New Red Sea Reefer S-1000 Display

    Out with the olds….
  17. robert4025

    New 260G Reef Install

    Pretty damn proud of myself with this one. Got it done in 7 days. Ready for water and aquascaping next week.
  18. robert4025


    We are Hiring!!! Hello Everyone! We are currently HIRING for Saltwater & Freshwater Part Time & Full Time If you have had your tank(s) at home for at least 1 year and you want to expand your knowledge in Aquatics Husbandry, come on by and pickup an Employment Application. You may also...
  19. robert4025

    New Indo Java SPS Arrived

    Took only 3 months due flight cancellations but we finally got them in! Frags available soon.