Neptune Aquatics

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  1. J

    New-ish to reefing in Davis, CA

    My Nano is. My primary should have been but my Waterbox 60g came shattered and it will be at least 3 more weeks before my replacement arrives.
  2. J

    New-ish to reefing in Davis, CA

    If you were new, and might not even buy anything yet, would it be worth the 4-hour round trip drive to you?
  3. J

    New-ish to reefing in Davis, CA

    From what I understand, the Facebook site had an issue and there are no MARS events planned. For this market, is it just buy and leave or are there presenters? Thank you!
  4. J

    New-ish to reefing in Davis, CA

    Hi, I live in Davis. I tried a reef tank in 2014 but my timing wasn’t right. Trying again now. I’m not sure if Sacramento still has an active club. Wondering if there are regional reefing conferences in the Bay Area that would be worth me driving out for? And good learning opportunities? Thank you.