Cali Kid Corals

Search results

  1. FireFighterReefer

    DBTC: Neon Green leather Toadstool

    Will do . Thank you !!
  2. FireFighterReefer

    DBTC: Neon Green leather Toadstool

    I would like a frag of this.
  3. FireFighterReefer

    DBTC: Palau Nephthea

    I am interested in a frag. This will be my first DBTC frag. Is this still available ? Thank you
  4. FireFighterReefer

    Gerry’s Waterbox 180.5

    Nice tank!!! I purchased the exact same one 6 months ago. I love it.
  5. FireFighterReefer

    Jake Adams passed away

    RIP prayers to family.
  6. FireFighterReefer

    New member in San Rafael

  7. FireFighterReefer

    Free Ocellaris Clown Fish

    I still have the clown. Would like to give away today if possible.
  8. FireFighterReefer

    Free Ocellaris Clown Fish

    I am all the way in Vallejo/american canyon. Let me know if and when you can make it up here.
  9. FireFighterReefer

    Free Ocellaris Clown Fish

    Where are you located?
  10. FireFighterReefer

    Free Ocellaris Clown Fish

    I have a small (1.5’’) Ocellaris Clow fish I would like to find a new home for. This fish is healthy but getting attacked by another smaller Clown fish that was added to the tank. It is currently in my sump/refugium hanging out with some Chaeto. Please let know know if you would like to adopt...
  11. FireFighterReefer

    EJ’s Waterbox 180.5

    My Waterbox 180.5 was delayed. I have finally received it but will not be able to make the transfer till Wednesday/Thursday. Stuck at work :(
  12. FireFighterReefer

    Excited and hello

    my only "fire" right now is the aptasia infestation.. :(
  13. FireFighterReefer

    EJ’s Waterbox 180.5

    I will be upgrading to a bigger tank from a 90 to a 180 in about a week. I have a couple LPS and two 2 years clown being hosted and a 10 year old blue tang. also pounds of live rock. Looking to increase my stock when this new one is established. I will keep this journal posted.
  14. FireFighterReefer

    Excited and hello

    will start a tank journal.. great idea!! congrats on 3rd! I thought this was an expensive hobby till I had kids. Lol . I have a 15 and 17 year old. daughter off to college to play ball On scholarship soon here in the Bay Area….. Super excited . Thank for the advise.
  15. FireFighterReefer


    Hello reefinglens, I am very interested in your chaeto if you have any more. Thanks for opportunity.
  16. FireFighterReefer

    Excited and hello

    Hello, I’ve owned a 90G reef tank for years and now I have finally for some time to focus more on it. I am a father of 2 kids and life and work has gotten so busy that my tank has suffered but doing ok now. Im glad I found this forum to meet people and get help on my new adventure. I’m about to...