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  1. FindingNemo9

    Help me ID this coral

    Recently picked up few corals. The one in blue light is a Rainbow Clove Polyps, but it also has some other coral at the bottom, stuck to the frag piece. The one in white light is the unknown Coral which AquaSD sent for free, for not fulfilling a order i placed.
  2. FindingNemo9

    Help identifying Algae (diatoms/cyano/dino) ?

    Okay, some update. I wanted to try out the no-chemical way first and tried the following steps. I did a complete black-out for 2 days. Shut down the reef lights, no room-lights and no sun-light entering the room where the tank is. I didn't cover the entire thing, just left it in near dark...
  3. FindingNemo9

    Help identifying Algae (diatoms/cyano/dino) ?

    Removed Filter floss and Sponge Filter as per the suggestion. Going to continue feeding 1/2 a cube of mysis or brine for few days. If i'm not able to get the numbers up in a week or so, i'll go ahead and do the NeoPhos and NeoNitro. Thank you.
  4. FindingNemo9

    Help identifying Algae (diatoms/cyano/dino) ?

    Thank you all, I think I messed up. I accidentally did a water change (my 2-week water change due date) yesterday morning and added copepods based on what the LPS person told me. While doing the water change, i tried to clean up the sand bed and rock, but this morning, i see the sand-bed with...
  5. FindingNemo9

    Help identifying Algae (diatoms/cyano/dino) ?

    Hello ... Yes, this is a gyre pump. Max speed set to 20%. I read somewhere that Gyre pumps are good for LPS corals and hence got this one. Do you recommend adding another flow pump near bottom-back of the tank? Thank you.
  6. FindingNemo9

    Help identifying Algae (diatoms/cyano/dino) ?

    Thank you for the comment. I'm referring to cubes. In one feeding i feed 1/2 a cube (3.5 oz) of either Mysis or Brine or 8 pellets (4 for each fish) (Small Pellets - 1.2mm). I'll probably decrease my feeding as per your suggestion. What...
  7. FindingNemo9

    Help identifying Algae (diatoms/cyano/dino) ?

    Dmed you for your availability. Thank you
  8. FindingNemo9

    Help identifying Algae (diatoms/cyano/dino) ?

    It’s a 17gal tank
  9. FindingNemo9

    Help identifying Algae (diatoms/cyano/dino) ?

    Hello, My tank suddenly had this in a day. Earlier there were some diatoms on the sand bed and most of the algae was floating in water. From the last 3 days, water seems clear but the rock and sand both have alage as shown in pictures. I don’t see any sliminess, but see small string like...
  10. FindingNemo9

    Is this Bubble Algae

    Thnq. I keep staring at them at-least for 5-6 hours one relief it’s not any algae.
  11. FindingNemo9

    Is this Bubble Algae

    Do you recommend a water change to reduce bio load ? Or use a protein skimmer.
  12. FindingNemo9

    Is this Bubble Algae

    Hello Reefers, This is my first time setting up a reef tank and my tank is 3 days old - 17 gal reef tank Day 1: Added Rock, Live Sand, Filter Media, Salt water Day 2: Added A80 light, Heater (Set to 78F), Added Start up bacteria Day 3: Added 2 clown fish to build up Ammonia in the tank I see...