
Search results

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    Possible BRS 30-50% sale on most inventory??

    i am saying that the promotions he saw are lies, because i have never seen a neptune apex PRO for $520. Unless they are doing special 'trial' promos by region, because I see almost everything at full price, except what on the 4th of july sale
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    copepods in the bay area?

    go to aquatic collection in hayward and also neptune aquatics in san jose
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    IM 10gal 3D Reef

    Thanks for following my build!
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    IM 10gal 3D Reef

    Hey what's up everybody? I am restarting my reeftank. We recently moved and took advantage of revamping everything. I had algae problems in the previous house, I think I had poor water problems with my RODI at the previous house. Anyway. We are restarting. Very exciting times. Nothing like...
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    IM 10gal Reef Stocking advice.

    thank you my friend! yes I have a Kraken Reef Lid on. so no more problems regarding that will be had. Also have a fish guard for the overflow. ;) Cool I'll start my journal on this forum
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    IM 10gal Reef Stocking advice.

    Thank you for the warm welcome! So with all the current livestock my Phosphorus is at 0.3ppb which is ridiculously low. That is without feeding and just the invertebrates doing their thing for a week, the second week without feeding Phosphorus went down to 0.0ppb. So I started feeding the...
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    IM 10gal Reef Stocking advice.

    Hey all Looking for advice, input, steer in the right direction, inspiration and schooling! So let 'er rip My tank currently has about 6 or 7 Sexy Shrimp and a Cleaner Skunk Shrimp. You can see my Aquarium Journal. In addition to these shrimp, I want to keep some peaceful fish. Below are...
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    Free coral

    anything left?
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    Pink Goniopora in need of recovery

    did someoine claim it?
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    Florida Mantis Shrimp - Free (Update 5 April 2024) - gone

    I can take it off your hands, if no one has.
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    Free 2.5-3” maroon clown

    don't take her to petco, go to AquaticCollection or NeptuneAquatics
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    Rbtas in sf

    all gone?
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    Free fresh cut Purple Indo SPS and Yellow Bennett tort SPS

    still have any free sticks?