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65 gallon tank
I was originally seeking a larger tank, than gave up and got a second biocube, than the very next day I saw a post on FB for a 65 gallon tank with sump and cannopy and many extras: ato, 2 heaters ph prob, power strip, either a calc or gfo reactor, and two hydra 32s(not sure if they are dead or...
I have:
1.) curve 5 skimmer that can be included.
2.) In addtion if I look around I have the orginal return pump that came with the tank that can be included.
3.) All plumbing is included (several unions, and bulk heads are threaded)
4.) Includes a 15gallon proflex sump.
*Lights, mp40 and, S2 retun pump are not included.
Need this gone sooner rather than later. I need to redo my floors so I can get my bigger tank set up.
Understand this is a used tank so I can only say that'l it's been running since I set it up on my tank journal. It was only emptyed tonight. No leaks or issues that I'm aware of since it’s been running.
2 people can move it. If you love close to Southbay I could even give you a hand.
Otherwise I can help you load it up.
Location: santa Clara. 2 blocks from aqua plus
(Though I wouldn't turn down a frag if you have extra or All For Reef Powder if you have some laying around)
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