
Any plumber out there or know any?

@Kensington: If that's what it takes to get you out of the house....:)
No worry you are too far.
Actually, it took me all day yesterday to find the leak. I had pressure and then I had zero pressure. So yes, very scary to think how fast a small leak can turn to a larger one if inside a sealed wall.
Ah yes, the plumber and pipe fitter! It's pretty easy to replace if you can get at it, but if in a wall... I've done a little of it before, but not inside an existing wall.
Did you get that fixed?
If PG&E shut you down you will most likely need a permit and get a building inspector to sign off on it before they will turn you back on again. You will most likely need to pressure test the entire system.
Yes, got it fixed. Thanks. The pressure hold this time:) PG&E shut it down but I hope I don't need a permit to change 1ft of pipe. I will make the final connection tomorrow and do the final pressure test before calling PG&E out. The pipe that I fixed was totally degraded and had a few 1/8-1/4" holes. Because the pipe was wedged in the stud, the gas dissipated slowly and go unnoticed for a long, long time:) I got lucky and a big wake up call. I will get a few pics up later. The lesson learned here is to examine with due diligence if someone tells you it smell like gas leak even if you do not smell it or do not think so.