Pricey on the corals, some one took a nice rock with a cat's paw (pink) and much more corals for $200, the pink cat's paw was priced at $50 on CL but there were some broken tiny frags from handling at $20???
But hey ! a nice Euroreef Skimmer for $200 CS12-something, like 24" tall maybe and fitted just right in there. Some lucky guy scored a Neptune Aqua-controller for $150
Tank is amazing and insanely deep from front to back, you can not appreciate the tanks depth of field on the linked pictures; starphire front pane.
If you want an excuse, she's holding a garage sale (that's what I'm telling my wife so she wants to go) then oh ! look honey she's selling a tank too...
Coral colonies are large and you could frag to make up for the retail pricing and the anemones are gorgeous and big either green bubble or rose ones; clowns they should be offered at the price but including a host anemone IMO