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Anyone here has a Wii

My two boys love it. They played boxing but older guy kept beating the younger guy. The little one got mad and wanted to hit his brother for real :D ..
I have one. Buy "The Bigs" and/or the Godfather. Both are excellent games for the wii. Some of the games like Tiger Woods are pretty crappy as it is difficult to control the seing for those non-full power shots.
The Mario stuff is pretty cool for the little ones.

If you like Zelda - that game is pretty awesome if you have followed the title through Nintendo's game systems.
The Bigs looks fun. Godfather too violent ;D .. I don't like that kind of games. It gives me headache for some reasons :-[ ..

I love Mario. I used to play it on the old old Nintendo. I could play that game with my eyes close. I passed the game under 15 minutes ;D .. I'm going to get the new Mario for the Wii. I haven't play Zelda.

Anyone knows which racing game is good? I'm looking at Need for speed but it doesn't have good rating.
Need for Speed is lousy. I have it and it has the same problems as Tiger Woods. Steering is realy difficult as slight movements equate to big movements to your car.

Yes the Godfather is too violent for kids but for adults.... everyone needs to use the wii remotes to stangle someone with piano wire.
Maybe you should let me borrow some of your games ;D ..

I think I will look for a place to rent some games before buying. The damn wireless/sensor controller works well on some games but not for others.
I can let you borrow my NFS game. It just sits right now. My wife just bought DDR and likes it a lot. The wii uses both feet and arms. She plays the friggin wii more then I (and my errr kids that don't exist) do ;).

The bigs is a good wholesome family baseball game and you can play up to 4 players at once. You can also play 2 on the same team vs. the computer. It takes some getting used to to learn the pitches and the fielding etc but it is a great game.

I read Guitar Hero III has some issues with the sound quality and the fact that you can't buy a second guitar yet.

I love the ability tou buy the old NES and Sega games. i went and got excitebike, Punch Out and Techmo Bowl.
DDR = Dance Dance Revolution??
How do you play that on a Wii?? I have that game for my PS2. I don't play that though. I can't dance ;D ..

I didn't know you can play Old NES and Sega game on the Wii. I have a whole box sitting outside. :D
Yes, Dance Dance Revolution. Don't worry I can't dance either nor do I want anything to do with that game. It is a fun party game for adults and kids though. It comes with a pad that is in the same format as the arcade version. You have to use the controller and nunchuck as well for the arm motions.

If you go into the wii shopping channel there are a ton of games you can download for wii points (100 points = 1 dollar). Most of the older games are about 500-800 points and save on the machine. You have to have the wii hooked up to the internet to get them though. They probably have a couple hundred titles available old versions of SuperMario Brothers, Sonic you name it.