Cali Kid Corals

Cloudy eye


Supporting Member
Hey everyone,

My Eibli Angel (Mike), has a cloudy eye. Noticed he was not his usual self. Hanging out in a part of the tank that he usually doesn’t go to. I noticed a cloudy eye as well.

1. How do I treat this if I have absolutely no way of having a 2nd tank to treat my fish?
2. If that’s not possible, any one willing to help out Mike or even take him in? I love the little guy but I also don’t want him to die.


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I would soak food with Focus, Metroplex, Kanaplex, and any other meds like garlic or VitaChem, then feed the fish the med soaked food.

Soak for at least 1/2 hour with meds, food and tank water. Better for an hour, then feed the fish the mixture. Continue for a few days and see if there is any improvement.

Also extra food in general is always good for the fish.