Cali Kid Corals

Coral shapes sizes and what not.

Hi all,

As my tank is starting to be ready for some corals, I am trying to figure which corals I want and where I would put them, in order to make the most informed decisions I have some questions.

If you see my tank journal, I have a large piece of Tonga branch as kind of my centerpiece in my tank, I think it is a really nice rock, but I also think it's going to give me the most trouble for placing branching type sps.

For the bottom of my tank, I am thinking of having acans, some zoa, and a hammer coral. Mid tank, I want to place a scrolling monti cap, and the rest of the middle and top area, I want branching/tabling sps

I was curious about which sps corals are tabling, which sps corals just grow straightish that branch.
After a google search, it seems there aren't many tabling corals. I think I will avoid them, they seem to table larger than my tank could hold.