got ethical husbandry?

Coraline algae

Coral reefer

Past President
So as a macro algae I assume coraline growth would consume some nitrate and phosphate as well as calcium and carbonates, but is it good at lowering the nutrient levels at all? I use chaeto in my fuge and think that it works well, but I was just wondering about the coraline and wether it was all photosynthetic or if it consumed nutrients much?
Think of it as being like a coral, rather then a plant. It uptakes CA/ALK/MG etc along with light. It will utilize on a small scale nitrate/phosphate/ammonia, but not much at all. FWIW it's more of a plague of a tank then it is useful. It depletes stuff your corals wants, adds to the bioload and if you loose power, greatly increase the DO demand IME.
see my post about it.

Also, as for aesthetics goes, you want your glass clear of it. I hate it on my glass, it's distracting to the eye.

Algae will grow on it, total urban myth.
I like coraline covered rock but I HATE when it grows on my tank, back wall is ok, but the front and sides are bad places for it to grow, and it seems to comeback after 3-4 days, scrubbing coraline off a plexi tank is tedious work, scrub to hard and you have a nice scuff across your glass.

my next tanks are all going to be starphire glass tanks.
glass is just so much easier to clean and harder to scratch
Starphire is easier to scratch then normal glass IME (just a FYI)