Reef nutrition

Crazy idea

So I had this crazy idea about creating a Q&A site for reef community.
Something along the lines of (if you are into coding and such - you know how great that site is)

The idea is that forums are great for chit-chatting, but if there's a question in the 1st post - it's very hard to find and answer even a week later. Major problems is that people just post, threads get polluted with opinions, etc. Which is great for a community, but can't get reused. You probably understand what I'm talking about if you ever tried to find a clear answer on RC (for example). Pages and pages and pages and no structure to the data.

So I found the open source clone of stackoveflow-type Q&A site. The main advantages:
- Each question can have 1 ONE answer. If the question you are asking was already answered - you'll see the answer, no need to go thru pages of text.
- Community driven: moderated by community
- You get points for asking/answering, more points you have - more right you have.
- Data will be licensed wikipedia style - free to reuse with attribution. This is big since I could not find a single site who was allowing it's knowledge database to be reused.
- Questions are searchable and tagged, you can set your favorite tags, follow friends, etc. Very sociable.

I have a pilot version running here:
Let's try it as an experiment for a month or so, and then we'll decide if this can fly.
zepplock said:
Roc said:
Sounds very cool, if you get it live can I post it at NCRC as well?

It is live at
I seeded it with some simple questions...

Well I could post the link now (I just went and chacked it out, pretty cool idea) but I didn't want to post it if your not sure about if your gonna leave it up.
I'm looking for 5-10 volunteers to actively participate in the beta.
I would expect some questions asked, multiple answers posted and one "right" answer picked.
I've been working on a similar concept on a site that I've been playing with. The site also makes it really easy to share photos and makes it easy to find photos of corals or fish that are similar to yours.

zepplock, perhaps we could join forces and make something really awesome.
Very similar, indeed.

What I like is that it is community based, what I don't like is that it is not pure Saltwater. I think having a narrow, specific topic really helps get a more dedicated community.

What engine is being used for that site? Do you have access to the source code/database?
Not sure exactly since my friend did the programming and most of the design. I helped develop the features and content. I'm gonna see him this weekend so I can ask him then and get back to you.