got ethical husbandry?


Not a coral DBTC, but I have a poolish from Naples that I would gladly pass on to any BAR member that comes to the meeting on Saturday. I have enough for two, so if you are serious about pizza/ciabatta and other Napoli baking it's a must. LMK :)
That is a type of bread (I think). Did you make it, or did some one bring it back from Italia? I've never had it, and while I believe it's origins are from Poland, I'm surprised I've never had it being part Polish and Italian. You know how serious Susan is about Pizza, granted it may not be up to yours or my upbringing on the East Coast, I think Susan wouldn't say "no' to trying the Poolish. :)
That's pretty cool stuff Tuberider, I wish I was into making bread, I love ciabatta.

Reef Keeper, a poolish is an ingredient for making bread, I think you replace the use of yeast with it (not a baker).
If it is still available, I wouldn't mind giving it a try Jeremy. I've been thinking about getting a starter for bread making; and I have a huge 50 lb. bag of bread flour sitting in my kitchen waiting to be used. If it turns out great, I'll bring some bread to one of our mtgs. :)
Lyn said:
If it is still available, I wouldn't mind giving it a try Jeremy. I've been thinking about getting a starter for bread making; and I have a huge 50 lb. bag of bread flour sitting in my kitchen waiting to be used. If it turns out great, I'll bring some bread to one of our mtgs. :)

I'd yield to Lyn, since she is so good with the baking and feeding us so well... ;)
Lyn said:
If it is still available, I wouldn't mind giving it a try Jeremy. I've been thinking about getting a starter for bread making; and I have a huge 50 lb. bag of bread flour sitting in my kitchen waiting to be used. If it turns out great, I'll bring some bread to one of our mtgs. :)

Cool Sherri, you got it!

This poolish is from Naples and is a combination wild yeast and lactobacillus, it's very similar to the variety found in the finest pizza parlors in N.Y. I use it to make pizza, ciabatta and to sour certain baked goods, even pancakes. It's super robust and can go months without feeding, and start right back up like a volcano :D

Sherri I'll pm you a recipe for ciabatta and you can play with that to start, once you get that down I'll let you in on the inner workings of pizza, using poolish to make pizza is super difficult.
I can bring you some too Gresh, no big deal, it volcanoed all over my kitchen counters yesterday, I need to get my dough ready for next Thursday's pizza night (every Thursday :) )
Hehe, it debauchery I tell ya, from sour to classic Neapolitan, I stuff my face until I fall asleep on the couch. Beer really helps too, it has the highest "wash down" ratio of any beverage I know :D
yah wine and pizza just don't cut it, beer and pizza oh hell yah :)