Reef nutrition

Digital microscope?

Hi All,

I've been toying with the idea of buying an inexpensive digital microscope over the past few months to replace a cheap-o toy that no longer works for the kids. The kids like to look at bugs, leaves, rocks, etc. under low to moderate magnification mainly. Of course I thought it would come in handy for the fish tank as well :) Anyone here have any experience and/or recommendations for something along these lines?

Here's what I've been looking at so far:

I was also thinking a stereoscope but I really want the ability to snap pics and/or video. Digital stereoscopes run a little more than I want to spend on this :)


These are pretty good and not very expensive. The thing is that they only provide high magnification at very close working distances - like they have to be nearly touching the subject. For what your kids want to do, they are perfect. I recommend one with built in lights, but otherwise doesn't have to be too fancy.