Neptune Aquatics

Elite - ss question


Past President

Until the new motor comes, just remove the drum from the ss. :D Its what I am doing till my new motor gets here.
I think Paul will make me send the motor to him before he sends me the replacement. If the motor removed, I can't use it. It's part of my return from the sump. I don't want to redo the plumbing just because of that. Good ideal about removing the drum though :D.. I will do that soon.
Elite - the power cord came off of the squirt and I bought a replacement from Paul. No sending anything in - can you imagine the cost would be to Canada?
The last time I dealt with Paul - he sent the replacement for free with out having to send back the dead part first. Actually, he never asked for the dead part.
Forgot to update the thread ..
Paul sent out the replacement. I swap it out and it works great. Man I didn't know it suppose to be this quiet. I guess the old motor was bad when I got it. It was kinda noises but it worked. The new one I can't heard a thing ;D ..

Yeah Paul/Oceansmotions is great!!