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Flower Anemone (Epicystis crucifer) Questions

Do they wander like other anemones? Fish fatalities or harmless?

I’ve been seeing some really cool looking ones lately so I’m thinking of mebbie procuring one….

Tagging along- I know the description on one of the online stores, Coralmorphologic, states they stay put and don't wander, but I have no experience myself and would like to get one too.
CookieJar said:
Tagging along- I know the description on one of the online stores, Coralmorphologic, states they stay put and don't wander, but I have no experience myself and would like to get one too.

The ones at Coralmorphologic are the ones that got my attention! :)

Maybe the fish where eaten in Gresham's tank because they were not from the same region (in this case the Caribbean) as the anemone meaning the fish would have not recognized the anemone has a predator.
I have a few in a 150, they do move. Mine have tended to stay low though. Nothing eaten yet, but all my fish are bigger then the anemone. Not sure as a species, but the ones I have do not seem as sticky as Ritteri or carpets. Also, I have had one for about a year and never fed it, hasn't grown much but hasn't died.