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For you Clam owners out there - Don't let this happen.. : (


Supporting Member
So some of you know I like to share in my problems/learnings.....

In the last 2 days one of my 7 inch gigas clams that I have had for like 4 years started receding. I couldn't find anything wrong with the tank or water. In fact Mike was just here like a week ago looking at the tank. Tonight I get home and the clam is all curled up exposing 4 inches into its shell and looks dead. I take it out and it reacts and doesn't smell bad like dead clams usually have. I can see inside now and there is a 4 inch sps frag in the clam. I am not missing any frags, then I look at my larger colonies and I see a break in one. My guess is that one of my Tangs ( who have been fighting) broke it off and it rolled into the clam and irrated it really bad. While I don't think it will make it, I put it back in the tank. ( if you are wondering the frag looks fine.)
Thanks guys, I don't know....I will check on it tonight. it wasn't an expensive clam since I bought small for like $30 but it has growth big over 4 years. Too bad I couldn't see it - because it was inside the clam...it took the near death gaping for me to see it.
still alive but doesn't really look any better. No Skimmer, dead pump. I will do extra water changes.