Cali Kid Corals

Free blue tang and mask rabbit fish with caution

I found my blue tang eating zoas too. Luckily no mushrooms and I don't really care to keep zoas in my display. Hope these 2 find a good home!
If it eats captain jerks, then it might make your skimmer turn into toxic waste! Pretty useful niche though, some mushrooms are a total plague.
Yeah, I need mushrooms gone…. Want to keep my palys. Keeping the Zoas would be nice to

I have a beautiful lemon peel that I need to give away. I’ll post on my lemon peel angel thread…. Dang.
Yeah, I need mushrooms gone…. Want to keep my palys. Keeping the Zoas would be nice to

I have a beautiful lemon peel that I need to give away. I’ll post on my lemon peel angel thread…. Dang.
My opinion. Frag the zoas, share them and unleash the fish! Then you can pass the fish on and get the zoa frags back. (Ditch the palys)
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I have a 8" round paly rock..captain jerk not sure why people are terrified of them. yeah they could be toxic,...just don't touch them with bare skin, duh
It doesn't even take touching the paly's directly to get a dose of the toxin. If something upsets them in the tank, they can release the toxin into the water column, then a prick from a vermetid snail, or an open hangnail could introduce it into your body. Then when you end up in the hospital, the Dr's don't really know what to do with you other than keep your blood pressure under control with meds and keep you hydrated. IMO, a lot of potential danger for a brown coral that spreads over everything else.
It doesn't even take touching the paly's directly to get a dose of the toxin. If something upsets them in the tank, they can release the toxin into the water column, then a prick from a vermetid snail, or an open hangnail could introduce it into your body. Then when you end up in the hospital, the Dr's don't really know what to do with you other than keep your blood pressure under control with meds and keep you hydrated. IMO, a lot of potential danger for a brown coral that spreads over everything else.
Skimmer aerosolizing it is the big one too. Get that metallic taste in your mouth then you go downhill fast.