Reef nutrition

Free Pulsing Xenia

The Xenia is growing out of control in my tank and is getting to the point where I am considering throwing some away. I have many frags/colonies of them to anyone interested.

Old picture from a few months ago.


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One of my first corals back when I first started in this hobby. I love how they pulse...adds a lot of life to a reef as long as you keep them under control.
Does anyone still put these in their sumps to act as a filter? I had read about that several years ago but haven’t heard much since.
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I do. Honestly a bit of a PITA because it grows well, and is non-trivial to get cleanly off rock or other things. It's at least much more difficult than grabbing a handful of chaeto and tossing it in the garbage.

However, it looks cool if you look at it and/or leave the sump visible.