Cali Kid Corals

Green brittle starfish




This image isn’t mine but a fair Representatation of how it looks.

This guy is about 4-6 inches estimation.
It's been a cool and intresting creatures.
It hasn't gone after any of my fish or snails in the 7 months that Ive had it.

Comes out when tank is fed. Can move a lot faster than other start fish I've seen.

Be sure to read the article below and understand the potential risks. When these things really get bigger.

1.) They can reach 18 inches +.

2.) There have been claims saying they catch and it fish. Hasn't happened to me.
3.) Other claims stated that they won't mess with healthy fish only sick, dead, or dying ones. (I haven't lost any fish since I had it so I can't say one way are the other. Just presenting both sides of the articles I've come across)

Again it's cool creature
Just make sure your informed.

Reason I'm getting rid of it. Working on a 210gallon tank that I won't be able to ever reach the bottom of it. So don’t wanna try to catch this guy later if he transforms into and ship destorying kraken.

Location santa clara.
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