Cali Kid Corals

Hacker Space Seeks Corals/Live Rock/Unused Equipment

Good afternoon,

I know this may be a a long shot but we are a space in san francisco and we are seeking various pieces of live coral or unused dry or live rock or equipment.

I know people don't do this stuff for free, but we are short chanced and are engaging in a project with all of this.

I've secured some metal halides, really bad ones, but they should really sustain anything.

please let me know if you can help.

I would appreciate it more than you know
Need way more info? Seems like a really good spammer post, but with no link. Weird. What is your project? What are you looking for? How do we contact you?
Just a heads up but folks here would be more willing to help if you're willing to divulge a little more about what the project is that you're working on. Just some food for thought.