
How to farm Aiptasia and breed Berghia Nudibranchs, Anyone?

Are you interested in learning how to farm Aiptasia and breed Berghia Nudibranchs?

  • No, I'll buy them if needed.

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Supporting Member
Much thanks @dandemeyere for the 15 Berghia yesterday.

After putting more thought into this I was thinking a "How to farm Aiptasia and breed Berghia Nudibranchs" would be a good virtual workshop. We all at some point have aiptasia in our tanks. If not dealt with they spread like wildfire. Berghia are so expensive at $15 - $35+ each so maybe if we have a few people within BAR breed Berghia and sell to supporting members at discounted prices it would benefit the club and be a good local source and even good side hustle.

Is anyone else interested in learning how to do this? Anyone currently breeding Berghia now? Maybe @JVU or @RandyC can provide us some insight and techniques on their previous set up since they used to breed Berghia and was really successful at it.

If you are interested:
Step 1: Start farming and collecting aiptasia! You will need hundreds to feed your Berghia. Not having enough aiptasia is the number 1 reason for failure.
Step 2: Once you have enough Berghia I can give you 2 Berghia to start, if they are still alive lol

ItemsQTYEst. COST $Comments
110 Gallon Aquariums2$25.00You can also use 2 ice chest coolers to help maintain the temperature.
250w Heaters2$30.00
3Dual line air pump1$20.00
4Small sponger filter with tubing2$15.00
6LED Light (optional)2$0.00
TOTAL INITIAL SETUP COST$110.00Prices will vary. Estimate based off Amazon.

Sources to help:
Breeding Berghia Nudibranchs - The Best Kept Secret by Dene Banger
Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 3.14.15 PM.png

Easy Berghia Nudibranch Propagation by Justin Credebel, Nov. 15, 2008
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Oh - if anyone is willing to donate the most virulent aiptasia they have, I kind of need a starter culture. I was so diligent killing aiptasia in my 20g that I have no more
I have some I can share. You can pick up in Pittsburg during the week or Milpitas on weekends.

What I’m hearing is that you’re donating your abundance of Aiptasia children as the basis for the grow out contest. Much appreciated.
A fine crop they were
Very well fed
I took most of Erin's aiptasia. There were definitely some monster size aiptasia in there. I can share some if members are wanting to participate in this experiment.
The end results from this bar venture. LFS

Do to overwhelming requests we are now selling these nems for:

small $3 medium $5 large $8 xl 10-12.
Maybe even a promo of 5 for $25.

First its dosing NO3 & we're selling I know I've been out of it way too long...

You guys need to think more outside the box lol.
It’s already being done by some LFS and even online and eBay.

A LFS didn’t want to sell me their rocks in their sump that was covered with Aiptasia so instead I had to buy some of their chaeto that had aiptasia mixed in. It’s understandable since operating a LFS is expensive so I didn’t mind.

You guys need to think more outside the box lol.
It’s already being done by some LFS and even online and eBay.

A LFS didn’t want to sell me their rocks in their sump that was covered with Aiptasia so instead I had to buy some of their chaeto that had aiptasia mixed in. It’s understandable since operating a LFS is expensive so I didn’t mind.

I feel it...its just a trip to see the evolution of the hobby..I hope this takes off, cuz I know once I see one an aiptasia pop up in my tank I know I'm going to lose my $#!7 and jump on this quick lol