Cali Kid Corals

How to pare down massive algae in sump

L/B Block

Supporting Member
Ok- between two vacations my sump became a huge algae mess. It actually helped keep PH higher keeping the refugium light going 24/7 while I got the alk/ph issues mostly resolved. But now that I am home-need to deal with this ugly mess.

I probably will scrape as much as possible but in respects to the Refugium light I intend to shut it off entirely at some point but concerned if I go cold turkey it will simply cause a massive algae die off in the sump.

My plan now is to go to 6 hrs for a few days and then 4 and then 2….

To note-the DT is nearly clear of all algae.

Any input welcome…
I don't think there is any magic to keeping a refugium in shape other than being willing to put in the time and effort. I am getting tired of deep cleaning my refugium and have been thinking of going full cryptic sump and/or installing an algae turf scrubber. I know most people do not keep a clean sump but I am OCD and don't like seeing it get filled with sponges, detritus and algae.
What happened to nothing in a reef tank happens quickly. :) I would be concerned about a massive die-off leaching phosphate collected by the algae back into the tank. I would lower it by two hours every week and add an urchin or turbo snail down there. Manual removal works, too. PH will be negatively impacted by it, and trace consumption will fluctuate.
You're seeing no algae in the display, so I'd say it's working pretty well no? It's easier to scrape out a chamber during a water change than pick out algae from in between your corals. Just switch to reverse cycle on the light, might get less non chaeto growth.
You're seeing no algae in the display, so I'd say it's working pretty well no? It's easier to scrape out a chamber during a water change than pick out algae from in between your corals. Just switch to reverse cycle on the light, might get less non chaeto growth.
Right now there is no microalgae of interest-just nuisance algae per se. I just kept it the light running 24/7 to keep the PH higher. It worked.

I’ll have to scrape it out. I typically will cut the return pump. And then use a small sicce to suck up detritus and other stuff into a reef diaper.

My larger concern is just a massive algae die off causing all sorts of nutrient issues and getting stuck in corals..