
I scored an Indo Gold Torch @ $60 locally


Supporting Member
I needed a new tang for my rtank so I went out to Aqua Plus. I didn't know they are running a 25% Off sale on all livestock. Scored an Indo Gold Torch for $60, a purple Tip bi-color hammer for $40 and the purple tang was $150 after the discounts. Then they do this additional crazy discount if you get more than one head of the Indo Gold. Saw a tank full of Holy Grails at $250 a head when you buy 4 or more heads (Full intact colony) but that's too rich for me! Thought I'd let you all know about the sale that's running throught the end of September since it wasn't advertised anywhere. Other items I picked up were a two spot blenny, fairy wrasse, red lobo brain, and a bicolor pseudochromis
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Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 10.21.04 AM.png
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Those don't look like holy grails. There is no yellow even under just blues.
You mean the ones in the pic i attached? The ones in the big picture on the left are the Cotton Candy torches. The hg are in the middle smaller picture on the right if I’m not wrong. They don’t have the best quality photo


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Glad to hear you had a good experience. Also nice to hear the pricing is becoming more competitive. I have been there a bunch of times but found it hard to pick up much due to the pricing. I have similar issues with most LFS so this is not unique to AquaPlus. Very tough business to be in with all the large online vendors who can sell without charging tax and willing to provide free shipping. Would like to support local shops when possible!

Also agreed that you must inspect coral and dip since almost all of the coral at AquaPlus is straight from importers.
Agreed, good quarantine and dip practices should be followed no matter where the new items come from. Pricing has been up and down the spectrum from what I can see so sales like this are rare opportunities. I asked to view the fish that had been there the longest and demostrate a feeding session. I think I picked out the best Gem of the four available. One had lost an eye that I almost missed because he was so dark.