
ID and advice help.

Need some help with an ID on this first picture. It's a red sludge that's creeping across one of my rocks. It has a few white areas as well. I'm assuming sponge, but it's beginning to encroach on some zoa colonies so wondering what my best course of action is.

Second, I picked up a colony of Green Pocillopora coral only to find out it's the Xenia tree of SPS. Is this true and should I get rid of it?
First one looks like a sponge. No harm really in that and actually helps with filtering the water column.

Pocillopora are quick growers and if given the right conditions will outgrow other corals and reproduce in the tank. Not a huge worry overall since you can just remove them as needed.
First one looks like a sponge. No harm really in that and actually helps with filtering the water column.

Pocillopora are quick growers and if given the right conditions will outgrow other corals and reproduce in the tank. Not a huge worry overall since you can just remove them as needed.

Even if they are spawning all over? I read a few horror stories.
I've got three different color pocillaporas in my tank. I wouldn't put them in a category with xenias. They're growth really hasn't been that fast (at least in my tank). I've got monti's that have faster growth. I've heard stories of them spawning and showing up elsewhere in the tank but that's not been my experience.
There's a few here and there, but very few tanks have this issue.

If you're worried about the very odd chance, then get rid of it. The genus doesn't appeal to me, so I've never really devoted any tank space to keep them long term.

Yeah -- that's what I think I'm going to do. It's a nice size colony (about 7X5) and very pretty, but it doesn't fit the few places I have for it very well.
SPS is about the easiest of corals to frag I'm my opinion. You're right though. Taking a developed colony and chopping it up is kind of like destroying something beautiful.
Also, I'd imagine that we'll eventually see this on the list of corals that do not count towards the minimum for a swap, similar to the green birdsnest that was so abundant at the last regional.