
Instant ocean on sale

Instant ocean purple bucket is on sale for 34 dollars at petco. Here’s how you do it. I only did 1 bucket so dunno if it works for more than 1 bucket.
Price is on sale for 52 dollars. Go thru check out but before you pay. Sign up
For the subscription for repeat delivery. I usually change it to once every 10 months. Just in case I forget to cancel it. When you sign up for that it will change the price to 34 dollars. Complete your order. After the order is completed. Go back and cancel the repeat delivery. Then your done.
I'm also seeing it onsale at Chewy right now too. A 200-gallon box is $74.69 and autoship is $56.49 for first autoship order. I've done it before where I buy a couple boxes and immediately cancel the autoship just to get the price.