got ethical husbandry?

jack o lantern leptoseris


It's 7 inches across at least.

There was a corner of it that had Palythoas I broke that corner off. There were vermatids in the tank, zero signs of any aptasia during entire brake down.

So free to any supporting member based on the following 2 points.

1.) I can't say with any confidence this doesn't have any other Palythoas or other pests that I could have over looked during my careful examnation. So understand the potential palytoxin risk.

2.) Your getting this for free please don’t be the person that sees this as a opportunity to profit now or in the future. You get it free if you decide you don't want it later I ask that you give it away for free or dbtc it. Don't sale it.


Located in santa clara.
I see a darwin clown in the background. Which tank is this in?
The biocube32 #2 that wasn't set up lol

The female is almost 4 inches biggest of that type I've ever seen. Other is a black ice i believe.

I have my favorite pair of huge maroons, a pair of golden nuggets, and a black ice pair. So don't really want to aim for a 4th pair at this point.
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Maybe it’s the pic, but that thing looks pretty dead
It's definitely alive I saw the polyps extending on it but could possible use time in a tank with stable parameters. The tank wasn't maintainted by a reefer for the last 2-3 months or so. Only by the home owner that just feed the fish and added ro water.
At all? I see a few sprinkles of life at best. Are you seeing a moderately healthy colony here? If so, man I really need to go to the optometrist
It’s not dead any of it, no recession has a bleached like apperance, yet polyps were extended over the whole thing when I added it to the temporary tank. I think it will color back up with stable numbers/ lighting.

No water changes or anything else was done on the tank for months. I don't even think the skimmer was running.

It still has the colors and patterns on it just faded out. I don't think it’s at risk of dying in any maintained tank. Staying in the tank conditions it was in everything alive was at risk.
It’s not dead any of it, no recession has a bleached like apperance, yet polyps were extended over the whole thing when I added it to the temporary tank. I think it will color back up with stable numbers/ lighting.

No water changes or anything else was done on the tank for months. I don't even think the skimmer was running.

It still has the colors and patterns on it just faded out.
Thought I was looking at mostly skeleton, but if it’s just a bleached appearance but the tissues still there makes sense. My bad.

Should be a nice piece if someone can help it recover